The only comment that matters
The only comment that matters
There is a lot of Very Important Journalism happening during these Olympics and I am here for every last bit of it.
Definitely, especially since the second half of their schedule is much easier than the first, at least in terms of days off.
A lot of this was about the Celtics playing really bad basketball the last week or so. I they’ve now been down by at least 20 in 3 of their last 4 games and by at least 26 in back to back games.
The Warriors are kind of like the late ‘90s Yankees, in that they are both historically great and very, very lucky. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t think this OKC team would have beat the Warriors, in the same way that I don’t think last year’s Spurs would have beat the Warriors if Kawhi stayed healthy, and I’m not 100%…
I hesitate to say it’s an effort issue, because he’s out there really trying, you know? Maybe it’s a focus issue, because he *kills* the Cavs every time he plays them, and I always wonder why his numbers aren’t closer to that consistently.
Why isn’t Andrew Wiggins better? He’s not nearly as good on defense as people expected, he’s a terrible passer, and despite being able to jump through the roof he’s at best a mediocre rebounder.
The Super Bowl is on NBC this year. This really could end up being the greatest accidental marketing plan any TV show has ever had.
Never forget: Keith Ellison tried to tell Maggie Haberman that Trump could win, and she — on national television — laughed in his face. Throw that woman into the fucking sun.
Here’s your occasional reminder that the majority of white people — men and women — will vote for him again in 2020.
I’m more interested in his Value Over Replacement Dad ranking, as I think that’s a more accurate measurement.
I fear that this joke will be criminally underappreciated.
I think it’s mostly sports writers who say that about Paul. Fans are constantly screaming “He’s never made it to the Conference Finals,” because the “Ringzzz” narrative has kind of ruined our ability to appreciate certain athletes.
Kidd and Isiah are two of my favorite players ever, but Kidd’s jumpshot was awful for about half his career. I’d take Paul over Isiah, but it’s close.
They’re now 9-0 with Chris Paul in the lineup. I don’t know if it’s still true, but as of two games ago they were actually a better offensive team with Paul on the floor and Harden sitting than the opposite. Ryan Anderson is shooting 79% — no, seriously — on threes when Paul is the one who passes to him. As a team,…
He’s averaging 28-8-8 while shooting 59% from the field and 43% from 3 along with a career high in blocks per game. It’s his 15th season. He’s played in seven straight Finals.
Jeter notoriously never said a single interesting thing in his career, and that was clearly calculated. But just because he never said anything didn’t necessarily mean that he was secretly an asshole. So I do understand why people wouldn’t see this coming, but there was also no reason for anyone to assume he was a…