StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8

Heck the only thing keeping this place alive is the comment section. Oh and there’s still a couple of good writers, it’s gone downhill though big time

Maybe if you quit joking around and sent them serious questions they might respond?

Melania is a robot. Confirmed! ...and I think her battery level is low.

They literally have no platform. They came right out and said it with a bunch of “whereas”-es to make it sound like they put some thought into having no thoughts. The GOP is literally saying “we can’t come up with a single reason you should vote for us, but do it anyway because you want to believe things are better

Eric’s speech translates exactly the same.

I hope people notice exactly what they’re not saying too, like anything about the economy, the pandemic, or how they’re going to get the country out of the crater-sized holes they’re still digging.

Tiffany Trump speech tl;dl: “Do you think I’m pretty now, Daddy?”

Kyle Rittenhouse. 17. Illinois.

Another report from MI: Trump supporters are loud, proud,and in your face. (especially in rural areas)  I have never seen such boisterous support for any political candidate in my lifetime. They will not stop while there is any chance white power will be diluted by democracy. Things will continue to be ugly and I

I’m in Michigan, specifically Metro Detroit.  I am still 100% convinced that Trump will win Michigan.  There is a large, mostly silent, contingent of affluent white folks who “don’t want their kids to grow up in a world with less rights”.  They are all voting Trump.

That thing is a miserable piece of shit.  Just about every single major automotive publication hasn’t had much nice to say about them.

Sticking to the classics.

You should have continued reading- it said Dodge and KIA tied for first!

They still hadn’t yet gotten over the shock of someone approving them for credit.

According to survey, it’s owners of Teslas that hate Tesla

I believe their research is legit, gathered from car owners, but their “awards” are actually given to any manufacturer that pays for them.

Yeah, I almost did, but this is a survey of the first 90 days and how happy they are with the purchase. I imagine Dodge owners are pretty happy about it while Land Rover owners are already in the shop for something in the first 90 days.

Similarly you’d really think Nissan would be #1. All problems should be resolved after a model has been on the market for 20 years.

Imagine having a US president who actually reads!

. According to the official police account, officers noticed the man was in “medical distress”