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    You’re right, but you’ve made one critical mistake - expecting Billy to know anything about soccer.

    Eurosnob Billy would never admit it

    That’s good enough math to get you an A if you’re a UNC basketball player

    LOL at all the empty seats...at least you beat the traffic?

    Completely agree with all of this.

    Now playing

    Imma let you finish but Mary Carillo had the best badminton coverage of ALL TIME

    Bradley had a better record than his predecessor, so it’s unclear to what you’re referring. Not much he could do to fix that awful defense without going and getting new players.

    The idea that the firing was “well-deserved” when Bradley (1) inherited a Championship-caliber back line, and (2) wasn’t given an opportunity to improve upon that back line, is just absurd. The team wasn’t any better because he wasn’t given an opportunity to make it any better.

    This was my first thought...how did the Rangers let him get away with that? Pretty weak.

    Make sure you read the top comment on the Amazon page - all the balls on this listing are not created equal. The Glider balls are the garbage, overpadded balls you can always find in discount bins. They seem to have mixed in the Top Replique, though, and if that’s really $10, that might be a good deal.

    Make sure you read the top comment on the Amazon page - all the balls on this listing are not created equal. The

    It’s just a little early to demand a consistent system or strategy at a point when he could be forgiven for (though almost certainly isn’t, based on all reports of him as a very good professional) still being in the process of learning everyone’s dang names. I feel like I don’t need to point out to you that it’s not

    I don’t think this has anything to do with his lack of ability to lead and everything to do with Swansea having a garbage roster. Sacking Bradley before he even gets a shot at a transfer window would be a shame, in my opinion.

    Nope, but exactly.

    Whoa easy there...Billy has never given us soccer insight of substance.

    Counterpoint: Never let them dunk.

    SideBar points out that it is against the rules...Rule 4, Section 7, Art. 1(c) and (d): “A team is not permitted to conserve time inside of one minute of either half by committing any of these acts: . . . (c) an illegal forward pass thrown from beyond the line of scrimmage; (d) throwing a backward pass out of bounds”

    Not trying to go all Belichick on you, there’s no such thing as a non-football-y thing if it’s not against the rules (note that it IS against the rules, as pointed out by other folks). Also, how is this more offensive to your football ideology than spiking the ball to stop the clock?

    Thanks - I now hate that rule

    This is probably dumb, but I’ve often wondered - if you’re in that situation (time running out and you need to get out of bounds), and there’s a defender preventing you from reaching the sideline, is there any reason you can’t just chuck it (laterally or backwards, of course) out of bounds?

    First mistake: expecting Billy to be current in his knowledge of soccer. Guy is like a solid decade behind.