
Arsenal will crush their next couple Europa opponents, Billy will write that they’ll be ok, and then they’ll promptly get pantsed 3-1 by a team none of us has ever watched.

Ah, the old “the MLS sucks because it doesn’t have relegation” argument. How on earth does the lack of relegation hold back the MLS or the national team? I don’t think that relegating, say, Chicago and Houston after last season and promoting Sacramento and Red Bulls II is suddenly going to make them both better.

I thought the gender reveal party didn’t happen until at least second base, maybe even third.

This is really one of those golden opportunities for me. I mean, what if I call and we really hit it off? I’m just saying what if MY call is the ONE CALL he answers out of thousands and we vibe. I feel like we would vibe, me and Jimmy Butler the professional basketball star. It would probably start slow. Like he’d

Can we just play through this Presidency?

NHL reviews have been criticized for many of the same reasons, but they get the calls right, that’s the point.

This is a bit ridiculous. It was stupid of the guy to touch the ball before it went out, yes.

But players who aren’t even in the game can earn penalties?

This should have been an indirect free kick for halting the game with the first touch by the player who wasn’t in the game. The fact that he then touched it with his

I feel like the ref running over and exceedingly politely asking the man to stop trying to pound the other guy into the ground is a metaphor for Australia’s change from a British settlement to independent nation.

Can’t wait to hear the punishment from Roger G’dell

English super teen inferior to American super teen!

Poor kid, no father to prevent him from becoming a full-kit wanker.

+2 thus far Shooter

You brought up the Trail of Tears twice.

Why are you so insistent on calling things bicycle kicks? The first one is not a bicycle kick. You’d think you would have learned this by now.

Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.

For anyone under the age of 45, this is what all European pitches used to look like by the middle of the season.

/Derby County fan.

Actually, the extent to which Mike McLintock is a prescient spoof of Sean Spicer is staggering.

They’re not leaving Veep much room for satire.

Even their booing of Goodell is tainted. Everyone else hates him because of bullshit like punishing weed worse than domestic violence, covering up CTE, or arbitrary bullshit like punishing players for celebrating or wearing the wrong shoes.

You wouldn't think a person could be so wrong in a list of just three flavors, but here we are.