
That's not exactly what I was saying. But, gender non-conforming means basically what it sounds like — you pointedly don't conform to the norms of a single gender.

I am generally identified as female, though that hasn't always been true. I don't dress as butch as I used to, so that plays a part. I don't mind being defined as female, but I think I do a decent job of expressing my ambivalence towards conventional gender categories in my outward appearance.

When the topic comes up I do identify myself as non-conforming, but honestly the topic doesn't come up very often. I don't know that there's a hard line for any of this, but rather a kind of reckoning between how you see yourself and how the world sees you. I mostly hate gender labels, because there will never be any


Gender non-conforming.

I'm a gender non-conforming, but mostly female-identified, person. I have very short hair, sensible shoes and use female pronouns (for lack of a good neutral option). I'm married to a man. My sexuality has little, if anything, to do with my gender.

I don't get that logic at all. True, I'm not a parent, but I was a child once, and it was nice to know I could talk to a doctor/nurse about stuff I wasn't comfortable talking to my parents about.

Years ago my sister had an ant problem in her apartment, they were marching in a line through her dining room and down some stairs. She saw a spider set up a web on the stairs and was like "give 'em hell, little spider!" and figured that ant problem was de facto taken care of. Days go by and there's still ants

None of them give two shits about what I wear, at least, so for that I'm grateful. (I live on Capitol Hill.)

Yeah, you have to be willing to accept the moisture to live here, but it doesn't stop people from bitching about it.

Move to Seattle. Nobody gives two shits here, it's kinda rad.

Jesus, I forgot about jeans so low you needed a brazilian to wear them. Fuuuuuu.

Yeeeeesh. It has also been my experience that they send everything when you call 911, unless you specifically discuss who should come. When I got hit by a car they sent everything. When I got robbed at gunpoint they just sent a plainclothes cop. Never got sent to voicemail, though. Fuck this.

He was indeed quite a bit older. I'd peg the manager at 28 years old, he looked to be in his 60's.

I was waiting for my drink at my neighborhood Starbucks a few months back when another customer started asking weird and kind of racist questions of the woman making our drinks (she was the store manager, but I don't think he knew that). It started with him asking her name, how to spell it, where it comes from (for

I didn't say it was snobbish to say that Budweiser is terrible — on that point I agree. It's snobbish to mock people who drink it. A lot of the comments here boil down to "people who drink this swill are classless assholes who deserve to be shit on," and that's some serious snobbery right there.

I dunno. He seems like the kind of president who wouldn't really give a fuck if you got your jam hands on his desk.

WORD. As someone who spent their youth ostracized and called "weird" by the popular girls, I have precisely two middle fingers for Miss Indiana.

Yeah, I know diabetes can seriously complicate healing due to circulatory problems, and I knew about his kidney transplant. He's got an uphill battle, to put it lightly. A beloved aunt of mine died from complications of diabetes and kidney insufficiency, so I've seen the "typical" complications firsthand. Putting