
Yeah, his pre-existing medical problems make me worry about this more than I normally would. I mean, I tend to care too much about the trials and tribulations of favorite celebrities, but I'm extra-super-worried about Tracy Morgan. This is just so not his fault, and is such a giant heap of horrible. I can't even.

This is going to sound maybe weird and maybe counterintuitive, but Rihanna in this dress is one of the rare photos of a female celebrity's body that doesn't make me feel bad about my own body. She is showcasing herself in this dress, as much of herself as she wants to. No photoshopping, no tape, no foundation

The medical stuff on scrubs was surprisingly good, though it always bothered me (as a certified medical lab tech) that their lab was staffed by precisely 1 person. *eyeroll*

If I watch reality shows with headphones on I can always hear the weird frankensentences they piece together because the audio never lines up perfectly, the echoes are a little different or the timing is weird. It's usually subtle enough that I can't hear it over normal speakers, but headphones isolate the sound

I was a girl who was rejected and miserable. I hated my peers, I contemplated suicide, I contemplated hurting other people. Boys rejected me, they laughed at me when I tried to talk to them, they pranked me. Girls did, too.

It doesn't help that biology is complicated. I'm a biologist and my sister is a physicist. I've never been very good at physics, and she always excelled at everything. When we talk science, though, I realize how tenuous a grasp she has on a lot of biological concepts that I take for granted. If my brilliant sister —

Honestly, all I can think is that this lady had never seen an Asian person before and just assumed that you must be Chinese to work at Chinese restaurant.

Reactivate eating disorder in 3...2...1...

Soooooo, can we just say Peter Pan complex and call it a day?

I did not realize that I needed to be best friends with Rihanna. Holy shit, she is something special. I'm not even a fan and I want to go spend money to meet the lady.

Ahh, I think you hit the nail on the head. Some people euthanize small animals with carbon dioxide, followed by a secondary method (usually cervical dislocation), to be sure. Neither of those are things a pet owner would want to witness. That said, if a pet owner does want to witness their pet's death, the vet should

I am more excited for Girl Meets World than I ever would have expected (will Eric be there? What about Ethan Suplee?!), but weirdly feel really bad for Cory and Topanga that their careers have stalled so hard that they need to go back to this proverbial well. CONFLICTED.

Your Chicago bro could not be more accurate. And I say this with love — I have friends who are bros! Or, as we call them, Chads.

BACKBONE. That's the single best piece of advice. I had a non-traditional wedding. 25 guests, informal ceremony, dinner at a restaurant. Not what my mom had in mind. She pushed for a bigger wedding, a bigger venue, more people, etc. BACKBONE. We refused gifts — yes, actually turned them down when offered — BACKBONE.

That gif is everything.

Got it. Thanks for clarifying!

I'm a little confused by the mention of the Tuskegee experiment mentioned above. The Tuskegee experiment I learned about when being certified to perform human subjects research pertained to an experiment in the 193o's where human subjects with syphilis were studied and told they were receiving an experimental

Wuzz up, my bitches!?

Weird, I used to eat flaming hot cheetos for breakfast every morning (no lie, I did this for about 8 years) and occasionally would get a flaming hot deuce out of it, which was invariably bright fucking red.