
W. Kamau Bell said his daughter described her mother as “oatmeal-colored.”

I don’t know what the official rule is, because I’m definitely not some kind of gender referee, but my understanding of current trans-inclusive language is to define the genitals that a person has as belonging to the gender that person is. So you can be a woman with a penis, and that penis on that woman’s body is a

The conversation about removing the foreskin is indeed an important one, but this is a conversation about mutilation of the vulva, clitoris, and labia, for the purposes of inhibiting a person’s sexual desire and agency. Removing the foreskin of the penis is not about preventing penis-havers from feeling or seeking

Read this book for the first time maybe 5 or 6 years ago and it scared the shit out of me. Wouldn’t dare pick it up today, too real. Too real.

My right-wing evangelical extended family has been blessedly silent with their feelings on this election. I have no idea who they’re voting for, but I suspect it won’t be Trump. They might be the segment of republicans that are too hard-line to vote for Hillary, too moral to vote for Trump, and will just stay home.

There are a lot of things Trump should be mocked for, but dick size shouldn’t be on the list. Too many good guys out there with small dicks to lump them in with Trump.

It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.

There is a certain vulva shape that gets referred to as “beef curtains,” so it’s not like the metaphor is entirely new.

As a buzz-cut-having, no-makeup-wearing, woman in comfortable shoes, this is the kind of shit I hear: “I wish I had the courage to cut my hair so short.” “I wish I was brave enough to go without makeup.” Like leaving the house and facing the world with my actual face is such a struggle, like people look at me as some

Yeah, there’s shades of gray to everything, and I’ve seen sexual orientation shift and be fluid in women and men over the years. I butt heads with the “born this way” concept a lot, because ultimately it shouldn’t matter if it’s biology or psychology, the gender mix of people who love each other is irrelevant. There

Depending on which stratum of Uber service you choose you can get anything from a licensed livery driver in a registered vehicle to some rando in his personal car. I use Uber sparingly and, when I do use it, I use Uber Black because at least I know those drivers are licensed professionals.

I dunno, there’s something about olive greens on natural redheads that works so well. But I love green nail polish, so I’m probably biased.

The medical establishment’s handling of female pain, and in particular female reproductive pain, has always been a lot of bullshit. My (wonderful, talented, compassionate) gynecologist is a big believer in pain management, so when I had my first IUD put in she injected my uterus with lidocaine, I didn’t feel a damn

I’m just gonna leave this here.

Hm. I had been thinking the same thing, but I just realized I hate the idea of making the story like “her beauty defeated him” because then her fucking power is all in her looks, not her abilities. It’s basically impossible to make a mainstream story about a woman besting a man without it being about sexual power, I’d

When I was in school I was kind of a loudmouthed pain in the ass in class, but I was also fairly smart so (most of the time) my teachers appreciated my input. The boys, generally, did not. Which led to arguments and a little bit of bad blood, but also led to my 11th grade English teacher pulling me aside before class

I hope it’s better now, and this study suggests that maybe it is, but when I was growing up we taught *everyone* that femininity was inferior to masculinity, so I had a really, really hard time dealing with being female. I absorbed that mentality so completely that it took the entirety of my 20's and a good chunk of

Precisely. T-shirt, no pants.

My goofball husband puts on socks, then tshirt, then dances around so his dick can wiggle. He calls it “pooh-bearing,” I call it “shirtcocking.”