
This is what I thought, too, but only because my friend Katherine (who made us watch Grease roughly 4,000 times when we were 6) told me that was why. And, like you, I was surprised when smoking didn’t make me barf.

To be fair, I’m married to a game developer and even though at work he has a big open office plan it’s my understanding that they’re all sitting alone at their desks with headphones on 90% of the day. (I guess what I’m saying is: seems legit.)

But also sounds like a recipe for disaster. Imagine a kid asking for a few clothing sets as a gift and accidentally buying her the wrong size? So much potential for disappointment.

I wasn’t allowed to have Barbies, but of course my friends had them. I did actually think that I would have roughly those proportions when I was a grown up, and it did kind of fuck with my head that I never, ever got the teeny-tiny waist that all those dolls had, and all the girls in the comic books. Why I never

I remember girls in middle school believing shit like this: like that bowlegged girl was bowlegged because she wasn’t a virgin, like that girl who grew giant boobs over the summer must have lost her virginity to get such big boobs, etc. Never in my life expected a grown-ass woman to spout that shit.

Or, worse, the card a guy on the subway handed me: it was someone else’s business card with all their shit scratched off, and on the back it had his name and phone number.

I went to what is, effectively, a Montessori college. It doesn’t have to be over for her yet!

I started in Montessori preschool at age 10 months. It’s pretty common. Obviously, the infant room is essentially just daycare, but pre-K Montessori is an honest-to-goodness educational system.

Holy shit I think I broke my spine just looking at this.

Libel and slander are still, actually, real things. If the allegations are provably false (and I’m not saying they are), you can defend yourself against defamation.

Notably, marital rape is still semi-legal in some states. Washington state (where I live) only explicitly outlawed marital rape a few years ago. Before then rape was defined as being perpetrated by someone *not married* to the victim.

THIS. I’ve spent my adult life trying to undo the internalized misogyny I have from growing up believing anything feminine or “girly” is inherently less valuable/good/important than neutral/masculine things.

You must live in some magical fairy land. A friend of mine was super-stoked that she just found $300/week daycare for her kid. Another had to spend her maternity leave sitting in the NICU with her son for 6 weeks, then had to go back to work before he even came home. When he was strong enough to come home, she used

Honestly, I don’t give a fuck if some women don’t want those things. I don’t have children, nor do I want them, but I’m still capable of recognizing that women who do have kids might want maternity leave and nursing accommodations at work. The American mindset of “if it’s good enough for me, it must be good enough for

True story: I have a friend who survived stage 4 colon cancer. Her insurance doesn’t have a policy for covering post-remission follow up care because they don’t believe it’s possible to survive stage 4 colon cancer. Every time she goes to the doctor she has to fight her insurance company to pay for any of it, as far

Everything I hold dear about needlestick safety is making this video very hard for me to watch. HOWEVER, this dude is some kind of a magician. Clearly the kid didn’t like the part where he actually got stuck with the needles, so the jazz hands and shower of kleenex was a genius move.

Right. It all comes down to these paternalistic beliefs that it’s ok for men to tell women what to do, because ultimately our bodies are not ours to control. Ted Cruz doesn’t think we should need anything more than vending machine condoms because he doesn’t see pregnancy as a thing a woman should be allowed to control

I have only every used hormonal birth control (formerly on the pill, currently on a progesterone IUD) for preventing pregnancy. As a grown-ass, married woman it makes me rage that certain dickbags think the only thing my husband I should need in the way of birth control is gas station vending machine condoms.

It’s not an allergy, though. It’s an autoimmune response that occurs in the small bowel when wheat gluten is ingested. Touching it shouldn’t result in an inflammatory response, as it needs to be processed in the intestine to initiate an immune response.