
But isn't it interesting that you could only find that kind of parity on programming geared exclusively towards women? Networks aren't worried about whether women will watch a show that's half men, but they've decided that no man will watch a show that's >20% women.

Paul Dini was on Fat Man on Batman this week and talked about how for one of his recent television projects the network insisted than any female characters be secondary to the male characters, no exceptions. They couldn't be as smart, strong or fast as the boys. They had to be "a step behind" in everything. When the

Isn't this situation precisely what missed connections on craigslist and in free weekly papers is for? I've used them myself — found someone and been found by someone — successfully in the past. This poor doofus just ruined this lady's life for no good reason. Blargh.

The point of marriage to me is, and always has been, security. I don't want kids, my husband doesn't want kids, but we got married so we'd be able to, for example, file a joint tax return, visit each other in the hospital, have inheritance rights when the other dies, etc. The same boring, practical, unsexy and

Not religious myself, but I've heard good things about St. Mark's Episcopal church from teh gays. (So much so that a friend's girlfriend has been considering becoming an Episcopal priest.)

I'll take Noel Gallagher's songwriting advice when he writes a decent fucking song. Cripes. #teamblur


I have a female cousin named Schuyler, she is teh awesomeness. She's nearly a full generation younger than me (35 vs 15), so I didn't grow up with any Schuyler/skylar/skylers and she probably has to deal with thousands. I don't envy her.

Back in the Stone Age, when I was a junior in high school, we had an assignment to turn all of our creative writing from the year into a magazine of our own creation. (Mad props to my teacher, Tara Bray Smith, for the kickass assignment. Go read her books!) I had a reputation as a loudmouthed bitch, so I made my

I love Halloween so much in concept, but I've never been able to really execute well, even when I was a kid. I could never come up with a "good" costume idea. So, now I just do "weekday + wig (or wings, or tiara)" and then high five everybody with real costumes.

I say this about once a month. The fuck-it bucket is the closest thing I have to a religion.

My husband and I have been together for over a decade, he has seen my boobs about a million times. AND YET! Whenever the twins come out he can't not look at them. It's involuntary, and kind of hilarious. There is zero novelty to my chestal area, and yet his eyes are drawn there like a freaking magnet.

I'm really grateful my husband isn't on Facebook, it's basically a relationship-free space for me. I mean, I'm facebook friends with some of his friends, and I did set my status to "married," but it pretty much ends there.

Keep in mind that pigs are a) huuuuuuge and b) probably smarter than dogs. I actually feel less inner turmoil about dog research than I do about pigs.
We can learn a lot from mice, fish, rats, and even fruit flies, but for pharmaceutical work it's pretty much impossible to move straight to people from any of the

Unfortunately, in many ways dogs are more similar to humans than smaller animals (like rats and mice). Beagles are used because they are purebred, small and friendly. Your assertion that smaller, stupider animals are more like people is totally incorrect. Usually you have to go up in size to also increase physiologic

I have friends with kids who blended their names and gave them to everyone, others who did so only for their children, I always thought that was a nice idea. Me, I have no children and don't plan on having any, so when I got married I was pretty ambivalent about the whole name changing thing. I asked my then-boyfriend

Yeah, I wouldn't dig into it with my fingers either, just bite into it straight, like a sandwich. No muss, no fuss. No fucking crackers, either. This ain't the Ritz. (ba dum bum)

Nope, they're running them all over. I know there are Rick Perry radio ads in Wisconsin and Illinois, and I'm sure there are more I don't know about.

Yeah, I think I missed the fork in the road where "socially-awkward" started being interpreted as "intimidating" and "stuck up." I don't make friendly chitchat, I don't try to make friends because I'm terrified of rejection, and the people I work with seem to think I'm a bitch. Oh well. I have friends that I genuinely

I have used the term "trained" when referring to a partner, but it's kind of tongue-in-cheek. It frequently got used when me and my girlfriends would talk about whether or not a current partner had come into the relationship "well-trained" by his ex, usually w/r/t the mechanics of female orgasm, etc.