
I realize it's not entirely the point, but if your bras are poking you in the ribs/pits, your cups are the wrong size. It took me way too long (like 20 years too long) to figure that shit out, and since I did I haven't been poked a single time, not once, in many different brands and sizes (my body has changed a bit

Of all the things you list, calling fruit snacks "gummy bears" makes me totally, uncontrollably, irrationally angry. I would not be able to spend 10 minutes with this guy.

It's things like this that really make me miss Roger Ebert. Sadface.

That's exactly my reaction. When I saw that anti-feminazi t-shirt I actually imagined myself kicking him in the balls. And I'm not generally a ball-busting kinda lady. AND I got called a feminazi so much in high school that I just owned it proudly. Still, I want to kick that guy in the balls even though it would just

I think that's one of the primary tenets of chiropractic. They believe that realigning the spinal column can cure almost anything. I think it's similar to acupuncture and acupressure in the sense that they believe diseases are the result of blocked flow of energy and can be treated by restoring the proper channels.

I think you misunderstand. "The Glamorous U.S.A." is another name for Vietnam. It's not the USA, it's the Glamorous U.S.A. See?

Doubtful. I've been to numerous Korean spas in Korea and in the US, and my white tattooed body has never been asked to leave or cover up. In fact, in Korea the women were very welcoming and friendly. I suspect this is a Korean-on-Korean act of aggression.

I can't help but note that not every place pays such shitty wages to their servers. We have a law here in Washington state that you have to pay a "livable" wage before tips, and here that means minimum wage. Not great, but it's the highest minimum wage in the country. That said, I still tip 20% and up, because serving

I hate crossfit solely because those fuckers are always in my way while I'm trying to walk home from work. It's nice that you want to run up and down stairs, and do push ups and shit on them, and then run in circles at the top of the stairs, but there's like 300 stairs between work and home and I hate dodging those

Is it wrong that when I read "OKAY SYRIA, JUST HAND OVER THE CHOCOLATE AND NO ONE GETS HURT" I immediately pictured a Cathy comic as president?

Ooh, yeah. He probably has "useful" advice to ladies about their menstrual cycles, too. Bleargh.

It's possible. They did it in Jackass 2. It's pretty nasty.

It's not weird at all. People who interact directly with the patients will put in notes about their disposition and appearance as a matter of course. It's helpful for the next person down the road, in case you appear different with them than you did on a previous visit with a different person. If, for example, you

I used to work in a hospital research lab and had access to the electronic chart system (for monitoring my study participants). I used to go read my doctors' notes on me, too. I always got a kick out of them, especially that one doc who called me a "pleasant young woman." Aw, shucks. I miss having that capability, my

That's how I interpreted it, too. You prime the gendering pathways a certain way, so they're inclined to judge ambiguous images/objects/whatever in a biased manner. It's amazing how malleable the human mind is to these kinds of seemingly-subtle signals.

Karlie is quite muscular — you can see it in the original image. She comes across as athletic to me, maybe not in a body-building kind of way but more in a dancer kind of way. Also, people forget that ribs have muscles, you can see them in the photo. She has little body fat, but I don't know that I would call her

Oh god, FUCK YES. Also: not only can people not afford or access healthy, fresh, living food, they don't have the time to prepare it, because nobody can afford to live in a single-income household. If there are two adults under one roof, chances are they both have to work to make ends meet. If there's only one adult,

Ladies - please don't fat-shame yourselves, especially not in front of the girls in your life. It will fuck them up forever.

I don't see how compliance "complicates" anything. Being a subordinate is being vulnerable to coercion. Complying with a sexual request as a subordinate is being coerced into a sexual act against one's will. It makes the abuse more stark and obvious, not more complicated.