
I hope it involves a lot of waxed canvas. Mmmmm . . . waxed canvas.

@ajlien03: Honestly, had I been the healthcare worker in that situation I would have just said the patient had a miscarriage. Assisted or not, it's still not a total lie. But, then, I'm a pretty good liar.

@Betty Fokker: Life begins at conception! (and ends at birth)

@sissylarue: All the more reason he'll get it this year, just like how they gave it to Jeff Bridges last year. Like "whoopsie-doodle, here's that award we owe you."

It's not just women who have this sort of reaction to Ryan Gosling, my husband thinks he's the bees knees. I blame the puppy dog eyes and stellar acting ability.

@Christopher Todesco: We tried the warm air thing, but it doesn't work if it's very cold outside. We used to get frozen pipes 3-4 times a winter when we lived in a very old house with pipes installed between the brick and the insulation. Keeping the cabinets open and warm air blowing just wouldn't do the trick when it

@mapex: When you live in a house that's over 100 years old in a place where it can go days or even weeks without getting above 10°F (as I used to), pipes freeze. It's easier to deal with than tearing out the plumbing. I'm certainly not going to go bitching to an architect that's been dead for 80 years.

@supersarah: Yeah, I thought it was a little harsh to stick Twilight in there. Even if the material isn't everybody's cup of tea (I know it isn't mine), it's not exactly a debacle on par with SATC2 or the Expendables.

@superfluous consonants: Yes, exactly what I was about to say. He tends to treat the young'uns who ask for advice as sentient beings, which is pretty uncommon in the advice-giving world, and puts a lot of emphasis on knowing one's own body before getting other people involved. I also like that he's a big proponent of

@LazyHippo: Not exactly. You can't get stuff for immediate order. For AmazonFresh you set up a standing delivery date and there's a cutoff point at which you can't add anything else to your order. For AmazonTote you have to get your order in no less than 48 hours in advance. Kozmo failed because it offered immediate

@SS_Stevo: AmazonFresh has been around at least 2 years, since it existed before I moved here in early '09.

Amazon has been delivering groceries in Seattle for years. Long before AmazonTote there was AmazonFresh. I believe the totes are delivered by the Amazon Fresh guys.

@19XX: If you ask Matthew nicely enough (and loud enough) he just might do it. That's how our lab ended up with Gayroller 2000 tshirts.

Tryptophan virus? I think you mean "protein," since that's what it says in the linked NPR article. Last I checked you need more than one protein to make up a virus.

@UnalteredTruth: The intention of this is to be a travel charger, that was my point, not necessarily that you would need it in every hotel room. That said, I have definitely been in hotel rooms with no outlets near the bed, and since I use my phone as an alarm clock it's required some lamp-unplugging to charge my

@daiv.boveri: In the UK they have strict laws about motorized vehicles on the sidewalk. Segways aren't even allowed.

@YourStarDoesNotMakeYouRight: The bedroom I sleep in when I stay at my parents' house has very few outlets. They are generally all taken up by things that need to be around, like the lights and the humidifier. There's no problem unplugging the humidifier or a lamp for a few seconds to attach this device, but you

@UnalteredTruth: So I'm supposed to carry my own extension cord to hotel rooms? That sounds like a pain.

Why is "software engineer" and/or "game developer" not a dream man option? I married a video game software engineer, and he's my dream man. Bleargh. I shouldn't care, since this thing doesn't even consider me a "woman in tech" even though "tech" is in my fucking job title. I didn't realize medical research wasn't a