
@TadpoleAngel: The Coen brothers were on NPR this week and they said that getting the voice they wanted was a big part of casting the role, and that most 13-14 yo girls generally have a hard time wrapping their mouths around the dialogue. They cast Hailee just a couple of weeks before shooting started.

Most scientists will tell you that alcohol is a great friend to the scientific process. I know of labs with built-in wet bars and my own department has frequent happy hours. Getting a bunch of scientists in a room and lubricating their brains with liquor paves the road for new discoveries.

@elyseface: Yeah, I don't know any woman who still had an intact hymen when she lost her vaginal virginity. My youth of horseback riding and gymnastics took mine out long before I was sexually active.

@MollyGrue: I am buying one for my husband right now. He does all the cooking.

@Leucadia: Tears, I'm laughing so hard. Thank you.

@slf72: I bet there's already forever lazy porn out in the world, thanks to all those access panels and zippers.

@dripdrop: It's not. I thought (hoped) it was. But it's not.

OMG people, is a sweatsuit really that complicated? Or pajamas?

@Michael Bauser: The guy I met online and ended up marrying had his face hidden in his profile picture. Could be a surefire strategy to inspiring curiosity in teh laydeez.

@voteforme: I think that sounds right. She's not going to knock your socks off if she's "cute," and she may be so conventionally good-looking that it's boring. The relatively funny looking girls, though, elicit a stronger reaction. You either say "yowza" or "no way." The yowza guys are always going to message the girl

@znewman3: Yeah, that's what I've been contemplating a lot, too. I wouldn't want to be in the position of her family or her doctors right now. The kinds of decisions they've had to make, and are continuing to make, are way beyond my abilities. I hope she will recover enough to live her life fully, I fear she will not.

@Shaukom: There are some added vitamins, but not enough to really count as being beneficial in any way.

@Artemis47: Yeah, I have to respect Zoe for designing what she knows and loves, not trying to be trendy. She's got a "look," and she sticks to it. Good for her.

Those Marc Jacobs shoelaces have been out for ages, and don't say anything the other Jacobs line products don't. That's the gag, all the Jacobs stuff is dirt cheap and says "Jacobs by Marc Jacobs for Marc by Marc Jacobs in collaboration with Marc Jacobs for Marc by Marc Jacobs." It's supposed to be over-the-top and

@badluckgirl: Yeah, I did. It took a couple of tries before I actually left a profile up anywhere. After about 50 responses and 4 mediocre dates I ended up drastically reducing the content of my profile, because I realized it's basically impossible to present an accurate portrait of yourself in such a tiny space. The

If it's a legitimate LV item, it's not likely to turn anything green. The whole thing would be gold-plated. If it is, however, a ripoff piece of crap, it's totally going to fall apart and turn everything green. I honestly can't tell from these pictures if this is legitimate or not.

My husband and I dated for 4 years before moving in together. When we did, we bought a condo and signed an agreement delineating equitable division of the assets should we dissolve the relationship. We lived together for 4 more years before we got married. I wouldn't recommend moving in together without a lot of

@SkipErnst: She. The artist is a woman.

@ChasteMaidinCheapside: Bell's palsy generally resolves on its own within a year. Also, people with Bell's palsy are unable to close the eye on the affected side. I've never seen any evidence that Katie Holmes can't operate both of her eyelids.