
@stoprobbers: They sure look like it. City rats don't have a lot of color variation. These look like pet rats.

I stopped reading Broadsheet when Jezebel launched. I guess maybe I wasn't alone.

@Jazibel: Only hippies are opposed to blow drying.

When I still had enough hair for a ponytail I preferred to go with a low one, but that had more to do with what I thought was comfortable and least likely to make my hair look silly if I took it down.

It's better to bow out with a flaky but seemingly sincere reason than to give vague non-answers and just not show up, like a bridesmaid did to a friend of mine. I may not have the same mindset as this woman, but she at least seems like she's trying to do the right thing.

@egged: And I just love that this realization didn't cause him to change his opinion of Jim Crow, but to promote genocide. Nice work, asshat.

Isn't this the place where the ANTM girls stayed a season (ahem, cycle) or two ago?

@heatherdazy: All of my grandparents and their siblings were married by 1949 and all had completed college and, in some cases, graduate school. My grandmother had a PhD. Maybe in the 1930's people married younger, but in the 1940's many people weren't getting married until the men came home from the war. Historically

My husband is "less educated" than me and makes about 3 times as much as I do. I'm in a field that I find fulfilling, so is he, it just so happens that his skills are worth more in the market than mine. I could survive alone on what I make, but we live quite comfortably on both our salaries and that's the way I like

@poodlescoot: It's also an adorable double entendre. Adding it to my mental file right now.

@samarkand: My dog is downright neurotic about where she'll shit, if she's sick and needs to poop urgently, she finds the most distant corner from her bed and food and does it there. When we go on walks she sniffs and sniffs for blocks before she finds jussssst the right spot to squat down and drop a load.

I wonder if you could buy the stick attachment for an existing dyson handheld. I have a DC31 animal, having a little extra reach might make some jobs easier, but it wouldn't be necessary enough to buy a whole second handheld vac.

It's funny, just last night I was thinking about how close Mr. Kerry is to being the guy I had in mind when I was a teenager. Our relationship hasn't run the exact course I had in my head, but I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I realized that my arbitrary deadlines were stupid, a valuable lesson indeed.

@rhubarbarin: So when an adult male decides to have his foreskin removed he's not being circumcised? "Circumcision" is simply the term for removing skin surrounding a body part. "Genital circumcision" is the term for removing the skin surrounding the penis and, rarely, the hood of the clitoris (as above). I see no

@seresy: Your story about daycare isn't that different from what I've seen in the states, in the two cities I've lived in as an adult; women are expected to sign up for daycare the instant they get pregnant, but even still most women I know wind up on waiting lists, sometimes for years, and either stay home with the

@Zwiebel: I know a set of twins who were absolutely fathered by the same man, but one is a willowy, olive-skinned brunette and the other is smaller, blonde, and with a more ruddy complexion. The blonde is also significantly developmentally delayed. The differences are a combination of genetics and the likelihood that

@jmel02: We switched to plastic dewars for our liquid nitrogen handling. Shatterproof = good. Don't think they make them small enough for beverage consumption, though.

@j.ko: He totally bought some property on Boner Way! Ha!

@Mrs. Napoleon: I was kind of thinking he'd get to hell before he'd get to China . . .