
Just keep digging, Chris. Keep digging. Just a little further until we never have to hear what you think again.

@fonz: Even if it was manufactured and calibrated at a single factory, they should still be confirming every aspect of the radiation before using it on a patient. I really can't find an excuse for this kind of a mistake. Back at Evanston we had signs everywhere reminding us that 99% is not good enough, and mistakes

I've turned into a pearls-and-wellies kind of person, but I don't own a car. Hence the wellies. Do you even need those if you drive everywhere?

@Madge: Potbelly is a chain of sandwich shops based in Chicago.

@Madge: Dooooood. Potbelly makes the best toasted PB&J. Melty and crispy and awesome.

Ugh, my former employer (the hospital, not the people who make the device). How are they not confirming the accuracy and dosage before treating patients? Way to suck, guys.

I went to a not-cheap private school and I remember correcting my history teacher on the 5 pillars of Islam. He got one or two wrong, I can't remember which (it was nearly 20 years ago). Still, dude. C'mon.

I've had nothing but trouble with lip stains in the past, so as tempting as they are I won't let myself try the new crop. Instead I use a tinted lip balm, made by Fresh. They make a pink tint and a plum tint, great for day and evening, respectively. They're sheer enough to look good on any skin tone, and as the color

I keep a small reusable shopping bag on hand at all times, and use it to bring my lunch(es) to work. Likewise, I use it for small loads of groceries/etc on my way home from work. When it's not being used to actively tote stuff, it's very small and fits in a pocket or my handbag. Single-purpose items are for suckers!

I love that she's rocking the ponyhawk and converse skates. Keep doing what you're doing, Starr!

@nexttoyou: This is why I grew up knowing not to smile at men on the street, ever. I moved to a place which is much friendlier, though, and have had a hard time getting used to all the smiling strangers.

@ParanoidGeek: That does sound like an increase. When my husband was getting his BS in CS he started out with a couple of women in his program and they were all gone by graduation. Something about the culture seems toxic to retaining female students. He currently works for a company with about 40 engineers and 2 of

They hired this model looking the way she does, so I have no faith that it's not the image they wanted to project for their brand. Making her gain weight is silly — if that's not the look they wanted they shouldn't have hired her or used her photos in the first place. It's not like she's the only model in the world.

I realized a couple of months ago that I tend to think about what an icon looks like, rather than its function, when I'm searching for it on the home screen of my iPhone. So, I started sorting all of my apps in groups based on icon color. It works great. My most frequently accessed apps stay out of groups, but still

@tomsomething: Better than ramming into the bridge. Drivers ignore or don't believe the clearance signs posted well in advance of bridges and overpasses. I used to see trucks get sardine-canned all the time at a couple of bridges near my old house on a busy street in Chicago. This looks like a useful last ditch effort

@Rounded: Not just a little.

I spent nearly a decade in a serious relationship before we got married. I never liked "boyfriend" and "partner" was too formal. Now that we're hitched I'm not hugely fond of "husband." So I say "Matt." It's his name. People usually get what I'm talking about based on context. "Matt and I are going out for dinner

@matildawormwood: God, ME TOO. I can't stop thinking about the roll of fat around the bra strap and then hating myself for it.

So boring — on my own bed in my parents' house. It was very pleasant, not earth shattering.