
A friend of mine is a divorce attorney and she likes to remind people that it's (almost) always cheaper to cancel a wedding than get a divorce.

@BiggieShorty: Where was the hipster irony in her original comment? She likes the sentiment — what's not to like? Everybody should love the hair (or body or skin) that they've got and not stress about fitting some blonde/straight/white ideal. I understand why she should feel uncomfortable wearing the shirt, and I

@intelly: Makes sense to me. Sounds like half of the girls I grew up with. Sketchy-assed, loudmouthed, foul little bitches.

@Ashaleeeee: Word in the fashion mags is that it's ok to wear opaque tights with open toed shoes. Have at it!

@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: With most sequencing methods the sequence is the sequence, it's not likely to arbitrarily call a different nucleotide. You either get a clear match for one base, or maybe an overlap of two if it's a heterozygous sequence, or you get garbage that is obviously garbage.

@Ancille: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. People on both sides of this discussion tend to forget that no childbirth method is free from potential complications.

@Mblase: I wouldn't want to live in a world where Mariah Carey didn't believe in Santa.

@wizardress_of_oz: I had a stylist who bemoaned clients coming in and asking if they should have bangs. I told her to ask them if they've ever had them before and, if so, did they like them. It's incredible how easy it is not to learn from mistakes.

@teffodee: I moved recently and in the process of packing and unpacking found about a thousand tampons squirreled away all over the place. I dumped them all in one unified plastic container in the bathroom. It's like the least fun candy dish ever.

Wow, I think the only thing in my purse on that list is a pen. I sometimes have tampons in there, but generally panty liners are more necessary. If I'm bleeding enough to need a tampon, I will know about it in advance and plan accordingly. I think Sadie's lifestyle must differ significantly from mine. I have never

@PurpleTowels: For something like the Nutcracker it probably is. It's the only ballet I can think of (perhaps also Swan Lake) with a wide appeal and general expectation that mainstream audiences will be attending, not just ballet aficionados.

For an interesting discussion of cunnilingus in movies, read Rebecca Traister's article on the topic from 2003:

@CaffeineNicoteneVodka: Oral sex being performed by a woman on a man is not grounds for an NC-17. If a lady is getting off, though, it's trouble. Especially if it's a man doing the work.

@BytheSea: Yeah, I remember that episode. There's no way that the Palladinos didn't know what the song was about, so I'm going to have to guess it was either them not caring or them making some weird subversive comment on all the coffee drinking. Or perhaps some dude at the network insisted because they already had

@SparklyTempest: It's one of my favorites. I really should have gotten it for Mr. Kerry as a wedding gift.

@SparklyTempest: Oh man, I hope that was a sneaky reference to this demotivator on the part of the editor.

Eh, I don't really see how this is much worse than using "There She Goes" (a song about heroin racing through one's veins and/or brain) to sell birth control pills or "Lust for Life" (another song about heroin) to sell cruises.

@LVP: Sorry if that was a little long-winded, but after years of trying to get one, researching how to get one, and then finally getting the damned IUD, I'm an endless font of information.

@LVP: Tip: Find a doctor (or physician's assistant) who has done a lot of them. The single biggest factor in a successful IUD insertion is the level of experience of the person doing the inserting. An experienced doc/PA should be able to insert one in almost any woman, regardless of uterus size or number of