
I love our technics turntables. They were inexpensive but good quality. They last decades when properly cared for. Better hope the one I'm using now doesn't die on me . . .

I think I must be lucky. I've never had a "dream job" in mind, I've never really fantasized about quitting my job to go off and do something else. I like to tinker with things and run experiments, so I work in a lab. It's a perfect job for me, and I enjoy it. It's not a "career," (I have no intentions of trying to

@appletoad: You might get more sheets/dollar with the tube-free model.

My high school had tube-free toilet paper. It went on tiny little pegs in these fancy dispensers. That was about 15 years ago, I'm surprised it took this long for the idea to come to the masses.

@Courteous_Gentleman: Yep. That's why I voted "die." I'm a giant fan of e-ink and love it on book readers. There's no benefit to swapping e-ink for LCD if you're not going to make it a fully-functional tablet. Kill it or fix it, but this incarnation seems like a terrible idea.

@hmthompson: I think if my husband and I looked anything like Matt Damon and his wife we'd be multiplying like rabbits, too. It would be a shame to let those genes go unpropagated.

@GreenLeafy: I always thought Casey Affleck won the genes in the Affleck family, and Matt has always topped Ben in my esteem (on so many levels . . .).

@loosesealbluth: My Matt Damon fantasies always get odonnelled by his wife and my damned husband. My imagination sucks. :(

@typica1cat: Also, yes. It's a radical prostatectomy.

Davinci prostatectomies have been available for several years now. They have a lower risk of impotence and incontinence post-surgery, and lower bleeding overall. I know several docs who operate using the Davinci robot, it's a good system. It's a lot slower than the traditional method, but much less invasive.

@hbuzzell: Sometimes they do have dogs there. I saw a security beagle flag someone's bag once at the Miami airport.

@RedRaider: Ditto on the collar removal. Our pooch wakes up throughout the night stretch, scratch, shake, etc. We take her collar off now and sleep blissfully unaware.

@geolemon: I find I tend to dislike more people I don't know on facebook than like them. There are a lot of jerks and stupid people out there, and an alarming number of them are tangentially related to people I know, and comment on their status updates/etc.

@Myrmaid: Weird, I went the opposite direction. Once I found out they were getting married I thought less of Russell. Hmm.

@feministabroad: Oh, I totally understand. Nevermind that any person could say "oh, yeah, these are totally conflict-free, even though they couldn't care less where they came from.

@feministabroad: Maybe they're conflict-free Canadian diamonds. Maybe?

@marciax3: Thank you for clarifying this. It's slightly less horrifying knowing that they weren't his real teeth in the first place. Now, the judgment that goes into having diamond teeth . . . that's another topic entirely.

I'm lucky that my husband's job isn't as demanding as some professions, especially given the generous salary he earns. However, I've never been a hugely career-oriented person, I don't live for my work nor expect to make a buttload of money at my job. I work because I like what I do and want to bring home some money.

@Lemon Merangutan: I have an uncle by marriage who caused a scandal about 30 years ago by divorcing his wife and marrying a 25-year-old. He's now in his 80's, his wife is in her 50's and they're happy and in love. The relationship with his kids is still strained, even after all these years. Thankfully, though, his

@mwynn13: Someone well-trained with a blow dryer and a flat iron can make even the thickest, curliest hair pretty damned silky. I have a friend who swears by the Egyptian-owned salons to get her hair blown out and ironed, rather than getting it chemically relaxed. It doesn't last more than a week, two at the most, but