
@tsroark: Because farmers earn subsidies for growing corn, they don't get anything for growing sugar.

Great pony of Sierra Leone! That's incredible!

But do they go to 11?

@gunnstreetgrrl: Evolution just gets the job done, and making animals desire sex is probably a lot easier than making them desire offspring (and instilling in them the knowledge that sex = babies is probably not easy to select for).

@St. Francis of a Sissy: I'd be so late to everything if I had to wear makeup. Not enough time in the world!

@SEDAGIVE?!: Or an oven that can recreate the high temperatures of a Neapolitan pizza oven. That one's been bugging us for years. You can't get the crust to cook right if it's not 600°F+ in there.

@akarpens: STFU. Really?! *That* blew my mind.

@gunnstreetgrrl: Another commenter put it really well when she said that evolution simply selected for the desire for sex, not the desire to procreate. It's only very recently that we've had the option to have sex without having children. It's pretty likely that there have always been some people who don't "want"

@AmyM1975: I've always wondered if the human body matures sexually about a decade before it matures mentally so that we reproduce more. If you manage to not have kids by 25 (when the brain is fully matured), does it become harder to choose to have kids? When you're 16 and can't fully comprehend consequences seems like

@KetchupFiend: That's interesting. I find in my (urban, educated, atheist) social circle it's pretty evenly split between those who know they want kids and those who aren't sure. I'm kind of an outlier for knowing outright that I don't want any.

@gunnstreetgrrl: My sister and I both lack the desire to have children. We were raised by parents who loved to be parents, who had planned for it and lived their lives for it. My mom was also a preschool teacher and my sister and I grew up babysitting and helping our mom with her sunday school classes. I even spent

@LongBoarderLC: I'm glad I could help! The biggest issue with the anti-vaccine movement is that they spread misinformation which is ultimately dangerous for everybody.

@wtfox?!: I was just thinking about this the other day. What if I had been born in a different era, when I had no choice in the matter? Would I not know what I was missing because I wouldn't have ever had the option? Or would I have joined a convent?

I've known since I was a teenager that I don't want kids (I'm 31 now). Last year I went to a new nurse practitioner for my annual exam and she asked if/when I was planning to become pregnant, something I'd never actually been asked before. When I told her "never" she was a little taken aback and said "well, it's not

@mmmpie: If you make it right it doesn't have to be unhealthy. Meat, potatoes and vegetables. What's so unhealthy about that?

@itsonreserve: Also, the big shortcuts were all a product of the Better Living Through Chemistry era. Velveeta, Wonder bread, frozen dinners and Hostess desserts . . .

Mr. Kerry does 99% of the cooking. Typically he makes a huge meal on Sunday and then we eat the leftovers all week. We both work, but he's the primary breadwinner. He brings home the bacon and fries it in a pan!

@cletar: It seems more likely that she'll get pregnant and have a miscarriage due to all the aforementioned abortions, but that's just my guess.

I will pay top dollar for a recording of Bjork singing Gloomy Sunday. Pleasepleaseplease tell me she's going to put it out as a single!