
@zizzixx: Seriously, avert your eyes. If you're able to not stare at other adults eating when you're in a restaurant you should have no trouble not staring at an infant eating. If there's a problem with breastfeeding, it sounds like it's entirely on your end.

@dcwonderwoman: The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age, and supplemental until 2 years, or longer if desired. Most children will wean themselves by the time they're about 2 years old. Breastfeeding is not incompatible with solid food.

@ads2k2.1: I believe this is Madison, WI, not Washington, DC.

@LutherNipperkin: Yes, very much so. When Betty was getting all slappy about the haircut I couldn't help but think that Sally was going to look a lot like her mother when she gets back from the salon.

@faire-la-moue: I'd like to know exactly when Betty thinks she "grew out of" that phase, what with all the hot washing machine humping of a couple years back.

@Bad_Romance: Last I checked, life is quite a bit different for white South Africans than it is for black South Africans.

@pickles_in_my_tea: THANK YOU for adding some much-needed detail and clarification to this discussion.

@Athenian48: When you save it there should be a "quality" slider in the save dialog for most image editing apps. Lower the quality to 8 or so and it should bring the filesize down to below 200kb.

@tehcatsmeow: Yeah . . . I've never actually seen the show. Everything I know about them comes from Jezebel, basically.

@MissDottie: She actually looks exactly like how my cousin did when he was a baby, so I have a hard time seeing the Dinosaurs resemblance.

I hadn't, until this very moment, realized that Heidi and Spencer actually had sex. Now I've pictured it, and I'm not happy. This sucks! Someone sanitize my brain!

@kerrington.steele: I must be giving off the same vibe as you, because I never get hit on. Twice on one day I had two separate guys ask me if I wanted a fiance, but that's the last time I can remember really being hit on, it was about 6 years ago.

@HektikLyfe: I was actually a little off the mark, it's somewhere in-between:

@HektikLyfe: It's supposed to be a middleman for foursquare, gowalla and yelp, so it would at least have you link those apps. It's not even letting me run it (in Seattle), I don't think it's live for all cities yet.

@mike_le: Clearly, I'm not a man.

@CaptainJack: My husband's wedding band is cast gold, not soldered. It's really lovely, but you have to be 100% certain you're making the right size because those rings can't always be resized easily.

@mike_le: Pffff. Don't got to Tiffany, they're overpriced and boring to boot. Go to an independent jeweler. In fact, go to every independent jeweler you can find until you come across that one-of-a-kind ring your SO will love. She (or he, some dudes wear engagement rings) has to wear it for the rest of her life, make

@Teh Echoroc: I know a Greek woman who turns exactly this color if she's out in the sun for even a little while, regardless of how much sunscreen she puts on. It's just her olive tone mixed with a propensity to freckle and tan rapidly in the sun.

@rustiq: I have a neighbor who says "you look like you lost weight!" just about every time I see him. I just smile and say "oh, maybe?" because he's a 60-year-old gay man who is always drunk. Really, I don't expect him to have been paying much attention to my body, let alone remember what its proportions are. I think