
@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: I'm mostly angry at the person who bought the photo. If people stop buying these photos, people will stop taking them. These poor kids have every moment of their lives photographed against their will. It makes me so angry.

@graham_but_not_a_cracker: Back when I worked with kids I had a 4-year-old girl in our group who just couldn't grasp that clothes were not optional. If she showed up wearing a loose-fitting dress, that thing would be off and on the floor the minute she was left to her own devices. Little kids like being naked, some

@titchytiny: I think they had to kind of discontinue the Walt storylines because the actor was hitting puberty way too hard, and it became impossible to keep him around and maintain the slower pace of time on the show.

I've embraced certain things about my mother that I see in myself. There are, however, hugely unpleasant personality traits my mom has that I also see in myself. I've worked my entire adult life to correct these traits and not behave the way my mother does in certain situtaions. It's not that I unilaterally don't want

@grinndle: Yes! The freckles are totally the cutest thing about this photo.

@sybilstryk: I got almost universal approval when I cut all my hair off, except from my grandmother who stared at me for a while and said "I'm trying really hard to like it." I told her it was ok if she didn't like it. Her proper upbringing meant she had to say something nice, no matter what. It was really sweet,

@SisterRay73: WORD. Though I was actually a little sad when I went in for a haircut earlier this summer and they said that everybody was asking for super-short hair since Mia Wasikowska was on the cover of Teen Vogue with a pixie cut. I don't like the idea of people assuming I have this haircut because some starlet

@buenosdias: I only saw the first movie and I spent the entire time wanting to run a comb through Hermione's damned hair.

@scribble: I totally look like a weird alien fish with my pixie cut (used to do the chin-length graduated bob) but I pretty much look like a weird alien fish no matter what haircut I have. Trout faces represent!

@Tigrrl: I've only ever paid at Neiman's with a check, but every time I shopped there they only accepted cash, checks and Neiman-Marcus credit. It's been about 4 years since my last purchase, and I've never bought anything on their website.

@mordicai: Heh, Mr. Kerry spent years telling me to cut it all off whenever I'd ask what to do with it. I finally did a few years ago, have kept the pixie ever since.

@CrustyCanuck: I had a friend whose hair was dictated by contractual obligations for all of her teen years. She tried convincing the powers-that-be to let her change her hair and, when they refused, changed it anyway. There weren't really any repercussions. Granted, her job wasn't as big a deal as Emma Watson's.

@Weakskills: If Ohio has commonlaw marriage she can still sue for half his money.

@RuckingFetard: Yeah, that's the point I was making. The 4 can't be compared to the 3G when it comes to resilience . . .

@thinkthis: I dropped my 3G dozens of times without any kind of case at all and it was fine, even when it landed on concrete, stone or tile. The 4 isn't as resilient.

@daisyhalfwit: It's actually really good. I had some a couple weeks ago, it was very creamy and tasted like a less vanilla-y french vanilla.

I love just about all ice cream, though rum raisin makes my gorge rise. Blech. Truly you can put just about any flavor in front of me and I'll be in heaven, I couldn't possibly declare a favorite. I'll say this, though: it's very hard for me to walk out of Baskin Robbins with anything but a scoop of chocolate peanut