
@MissContrarian: W00t! I also liked the salted licorice they used to have, but seems to have gone along the wayside. Mr. Kerry is a big fan of their Scout Mint.

The fact of the matter is that the Duggars believe in carrying any and all children that God give them, so whether or not she "tries" to get pregnant is irrelevant. Doctors may tell her that she shouldn't get pregnant, but it is her belief that a woman is there to serve her husband and meet his needs. She isn't

@BlondeGoddess: They typically film the show in December - February (fashion week and awards season), so I believe she made those comments before he died. Still, the smart thing to do would be to reshoot that interview after his death, since they've had 6 months to do so.

@deleahrium: I strongly suspect many of the post-firing conversations were staged and carefully planned to avoid anything that could be considered slander. The conversation between Rodger (yes, that's how he spells his name) and Rachel was weird and over-dramatic and sounded more scripted than the kinds of

@ktgrrl: I, too, am wearing a pair of jeans that give me a little bit of a camel toe. I find, however, that it is worse sitting at my desk and can be freaking uncomfortable. I have to keep readjusting my crotch, which is annoying. My only problem with cameltoe is that it hurts my lovely labia.

@mox: I think the polterwang is a byproduct of poor tailoring and/or design of the clothing item, often something along the lines of pleated pants. It's never seemed to me that the fug girls are calling out the woman's bits as problematic, but are instead calling out the designer for creating an unflattering illusion.

Oooof. I remember Giz in 2002. Back then I was using a pink iMac (oh, excuse me, strawberry) and had just gotten DSL. I had a Palm m505, a Sony minidisc player and a Rio MP3 player. I still owned a car, which contained a circa 1994 carphone I inherited from my dad, and was my only cell phone for many years. I had just

@xurizaemon: It's not unhelpful to ask if they're OK. Someone who genuinely needs help will see it as an opportunity to say what they need, while someone who doesn't need help probably won't be hurt or offended.

@gingersnapper: Bleargh. I hate those assholes. If I'm in a particularly sour mood I'll usually tell them to go fuck themselves.

I've wanted to reach out to public criers before, but having been a public crier on certain occasions, I always figure they just want to be left alone and get to wherever they're going (or sit on that park bench and just let it out until they have to be somewhere) and don't want my meddling. My nature is very "how can

I'll only settle for a kobe beef sukiyaki iphone case.

@mohamedzv2001: If you look closely you can see that her left leg is artificial.

@SkelatorDan: Bah, some of us nerdy girls don't want the big, white cake. I didn't have any cake at my wedding.

@edith-irene: Too bad he's a disco-dancing, Oscar-Wilde-reading, Streisand-ticket-holding friend of Dorothy (y'know what I'm saying?).

@i-enter-data: I'm with you on that. I expected to totally hate RZ, but now I think she's hilarious and awesome. I love this show.

@hughman: For me, I find it noteworthy because they don't typically put these kinds of videos on the air. You get the angry, babbling family member ranting and they cut it out. I'm proud of them for airing it. He had something to say, he said it, and they respected it enough to air it.