
I think I might bring the top photo in to my hair stylist this weekend. That mermaid has exactly the color I'm looking for.

@Dancingfrog: I have a dog who is not a fan of dog food. She'll go off her feed for days at a time. She's perfectly healthy, our dog trainer thinks she's prefers hunting and scavenging for her food because she used to be a stray. He recommended that we supplement her diet with treats, both from our hands and from a

Human table scraps are not necessarily bad for dogs — human scraps are what dogs evolved on — but people who feed their dogs both a full portion of dog food *and* table scraps need to think a little bit about what they're doing. Our dog gets appropriate table scraps periodically and we adjust her dog food down

@RenoDakota: In my state (Washington) you're not allowed in a bar if you're under 21, period. You're not even allowed near the bar in a restaurant if you're under 21 (they put up barriers and signs).

Hulger's been doing this for years. I've gone back and forth about wanting one of these handsets for so long that I figure if I haven't got one by now I guess I don't really want it.

@jiggpig: Not true! I tested a handful of my photos, including some fairly popular ones on Flickr, and didn't score above 66. It doesn't tell you how your photo rated on individual criteria, so it's hard to tell what it's judging. For example, a photo of mine that the World Wildlife Fund liked enough to put on their

@YoungLeafedJune: The anthropologist quoted in this piece said unequivocally that it would destroy civilization, so it makes sense to note that other civilizations appear to sustain themselves and thrive with a polygamous system.

Hmm, this would look very nice in the pocket of my lab coat. I suspect you can't get the industrial ink or finer tips though . . .

@adamrice: Unfortunately, the direction these things tend to go is to have both, fees and advertisements. Maybe not at first, but eventually they realize they can't get by on fees alone and ads start creeping back in.

@Buggie: No, she's not. Thank heavens, that Cindy Brady voice was really getting on my nerves.

I see no mention in up above or down in the comments about Zulu and Maasai societies, both of which are polygamous and have functioned successfully for centuries, possibly millenia. Not only that, they successfully outlasted Europeans trying to destroy their ways of life. I'm sure they're not the only examples, but

@SallySassyPants: I've been wearing the same shade of sheer lipstick since 11th grade (I'm 31 now). I've never found anything I like better, and when I try to go another direction I immediately regret it.

@Zara: Yep. My clothes closet is mostly full of handbags. And I'll say this: I keep wearing those bags year after year, while the clothes get given away or thrown away (depending on condition) after only a year or two.

@Elizabth_Bennet: It wasn't required in the state where I got married (Illinois). All they needed was proof of citizenship, which we provided in the form of passports. These things vary not just state-to-state, but also county-to-county.

@Jessysaurusrex:Oooh, 5th grade. Hm. Should I be embarrassed that I was 19 when the first movie came out, then?

@Jessysaurusrex: OMG me too. I might have to grow my hair out and dye it like Ginger all over again.

Man, I love Jason Chen and David Lanham just about equally, so this picture totally made my day. (Okay, maybe I don't love them *that* much.) Anyway, congrats Jason!

@TransFat: Are there like millions of people dropping dead daily from anemia and pneumonia? Or maybe there was some evil mold in their house? It boggles the mind.

@Valkyrie607: Or "would you like to look at my wiener?" Because, really, that's what it looks like to me.