
@Dysphoria: I could have sworn the pre-Christian Germans brought us the Christmas Tree.

@BringerofthePain: I'm annoyed by the persistence of Victorian standards, so I'm not wearing white. I wanted to wear green or blue but I was totally unable to find a suitably pretty dress in those colors, I wound up with a sort of peachy-pink. I read somewhere that pink is also plenty "traditional." As a northern

@Sandjampanda: If you're reminding yourself to not eat unhealthy things, you should be saying "nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels." The Pro-Ana part of it is the "skinny."

I would only wear that shirt to a barbecue restaurant, and drip sauce all over it. Because, seriously, ribs taste way better than skinny feels.

@interpretedworld: To be fair, they're wearing nipple covers and underpants.

I never assumed Tiger Woods was anything other than a total philanderer. I've never known arrogant dicks like him to be faithful to one partner.

@Zulkey: I cannot wear their tshirts. I bought one (through another company) in a large and it fits like a XXS. I can't breathe in the damned thing. I don't think they go above XL for women, which would still be too small. I have no idea who they're designing these shirts for. I have a 38-inch bust, it's not like I'm

Hasn't American Apparel just had their worst quarter ever? Like, way, way below estimates? They should be scrambling to expand their customer base.

@dennis_notmenace: I think it's because she always has that cute dog with her.

Ah, my mutt will never win any skill-based contests, but she sure is cute.

@Vivelafat says Sweep the leg, Johnny.: I sort of feel like this was the first time they really used some of the actors to their full potential. While normally I get very annoyed by Jack, Kate and Charlie I really appreciated all the actors' performances in a way I hadn't before. Maybe they were just pulling out their

@whynotshesaid: It seems that each person's life in their bardo (as Tracy so astutely identified the "sideways world") is as they wanted it to be. Eloise still has Daniel and he's a pianist, not a physicist. Jack is a father, Sawyer's a cop, etc. For whatever reason, Sayid put Nadia with his brother, that's how he

@zombie_fairy: I sort of imagined more as Tatoo. De plane, de plane, boss!

The only problem I have with the finale is that now I want to see the show where Ben and Hurley run the island together. That would be so sweet! (Also, I patted myself on the back for calling Hurley as the ultimate new Jacob weeks ago.)

@highdaze: I thought Michael was one of the lost souls stuck on the island. As for Walt, it sure seemed like the big meetup at the end was after a very, very long time. Since Hugo and Ben were both there, and acknowledged that they had been partners in running the island, a job that comes with near-immortality, I

@Clare116: We wrote on the invitations that all gifts would be returned unopened. Anybody who chooses to send us a gift knows what they're getting into. I think it's off-the-charts rude to go against the hosts' wishes and give them some shit they didn't want, and explicitly stated you should not be giving them. (And,

@MissPsychette: We told our guests they were absolutely, 100% not allowed to give us gifts. Same for non-invited family, friends, etc. We will be returning any gifts we receive, unopened.

@ShaRui: It takes a lot of one-on-one time telling people "no, really, not even from you" when they try to foist a gift on you. We told our invitees and family "Please no gifts, all gifts will be returned unopened" and still I'm telling people "no, really, no gifts."

The only way we found to avoid a registry was to refuse gifts entirely. None are allowed, period. Not heirlooms, not crap from coworkers, not money, not charitable donations. It wasn't a popular choice but it was for the best.