
@heypoofay: Ah! Thank you for placing her for me, I knew she looked familiar.

@echoparkgal: Dude, you're right! You've got some serious eagle eyes for picking her out.

@thatlush: I'm pretty sure Marc's taste in women doesn't intersect much with your average hetero man.

@yinyang: There is science to back up your perception. First, we do tend to rate ourselves on the scale of others, so when we're told that one person is unattractive, we hold ourselves next to them and use them as the standard s to rate ourselveby. We don't necessarily do this when judging other people, though. When

@Delta Sierra: Shit! I knew I was asking for the wrong amount for my condo. It's got 3 closets and I priced it at $6 million. Crap!

@HotelDieu: I love this episode! It's definitely one of the lesser-known ones, I never saw it on the Twilight Zone reruns on local TV when I was a kid, it wasn't until SciFi started doing TZ marathons that I caught it.

@ShrikirtiRaven: I think he officially came out a few weeks ago. I heard about it on NPR.

@PrisonBreakShaker: There is a part of me that very much hopes it's just an optical illusion made by the lipstick she's wearing.

@Khoa Le: Even this "Then" photo is after some fairly major work. Here she is totally pre-knife:

@la.donna.pietra: Condom manufacturers make them, they're disposable and latex. I think you can find them most places that have a decent condom selection.

@randomnessish: I've been to a few Muslim countries and grew up in an area with a large Muslim community and it has always seemed to me that young Muslim women are at least as concerned with being fashionable as anybody else, perhaps even more so as not to be seen as dowdy in traditional modest clothing. The

@Hexapus: I've discovered as I get older that I prefer to dress modestly, for personal comfort. It'd be nice to see magazines that aren't endless cleavage and mini skirts.

@Sabriel: That was my first guess, too. Very, very similar, but just different enough to be taken a few seconds before or after the cover shot.

@Nimnyn: The professional kitchen is not the same as the domestic one.

@kungfutoday: His thinking is that the older you get, the more you are able to contemplate the long-term ramifications of your actions. Having an older population then should mean having a population that thinks about consequences before acting.

@Mrs. Ellipsis...: My libido has had some peaks and valleys over the years (I'm 31) and Mr. Kerry sometimes gets frustrated during my "valley" phases. I've found the best solution is to be willing to "milk" him (for lack of a better term) to keep him satisfied. It's not like he gets action whenever he wants, but when

I have a black & white photo of my own bare chest. It would be rad to print it on a tshirt, but I might be too chicken to ever wear it.

@giant.keeshond: Dude! Sounders! (I will happily join in for the Mariners hate, though.)

@Fishbear: I didn't know about the ruling. Now I'm crying. Booooooo.