
@RiloKilo: If it really means they send you a sweater every month, it probably ain't cheap. But, dude. That would rule.

@MalinaMango: I think I'm going to subpoena Johnny Depp, just to hang out. I don't, like, have a law suit or anything.

@thePrototype: It may depend on the school and whether they have a competitive cheerleading squad. Some places have cheerleading *and* dance team *and* spirit squad, and each serves a different purpose.

@Faster.Pussycat: Yeah, I strongly suspect my high school field hockey matches were popular with the guys because of the skirts we had to wear.

@nerdycellist: I also recommend books by Turid Rugaas. Some of the stuff is a little hippie-dippy, but she has dog behavior nailed. Her books have provided me with a lot of insight into why my neurotic dog acts the way she does, so I can effectively cut off and redirect bad behaviors using the positive reinforcement

@Awestruck: I have a lot of the same issues with him. Negative feedback and dominance techniques are not inherently wrong, per se, but they are insanely easy to screw up. The average home viewer is not equipped to do the stuff Cesar does, so his show is a bit irresponsible in that regard. Cesar, however, appears to be

@awinoforever: Yes! I had totally sworn off Gap jeans for years, because their shit was a nightmare on my body. This fall I discovered that all my usual favorites changed their denim fits to be all wrong on me (screw you, Ann Taylor Loft!) but the Gap went the other way and made jeans that fit me perfectly. I tried on

@SheelaNaGig: Oooooh, kamsahamnida! I didn't know that one, will add it to the little pile of Korean in the back of my brain.

This spring I found myself in a new city without a job, and learned fast that if I wanted any chance at getting hired I needed to look at positions beyond my areas of expertise. I'm in a field where I've done just about everything once (I'm a molecular biology lab tech), but I'd spent the last 8 years in highly

@morninggloria: I hate that her stylist keeps trussing her up in these ginormous belts. They no longer accentuate her waist and now just look like torture. My girls are uncomfortable just looking at it! #fashion

@Atomic Bowling: Yeah, I want me and my fat (not pregnant) belly to sidle up to this bar and really give them hell. #pregnancy

@McBroken: Also I suspect there are factors that are beyond knowing when it comes to developing alcohol-related congenital abnormalities. There could be genetic components or environmental ones we don't know about which make a smaller amount of alcohol more damaging in one woman than another. I'm not saying I like

@deitybox: Interesting. It's a far cry from Washington, where any bar needs to be physically separated from the dining room by a barrier of some kind which nobody under 21 is allowed to pass. To get around this, some restaurants with large bars will ban anybody 21+ from entering entirely. #pregnancy

@TurtleSpeak: When my dad was in high school, in the early 60's, the boys all swam naked. #wateon

@hello.kitty: Stew Leonard's! I love Stew Leonards! I haven't been there in years, since I moved out of the east coast. It's like Chuck E Cheese for groceries! Animatronic cows! I used to go to the one in Danbury, back in the day.

@Eriu: I have, too. They think gay is a "lifestyle choice," and that if someone wants to get married they should just stop being gay. As my born again cousins would say, "love the sinner, hate the sin." The person and their gayness are two separate things to them. Of course, that's not true of everybody. Some people

@Kitty: It's the cycle of novelty vs quality. Pixar scored big with computer animated movies (though Disney was arguably a pioneer of mainstream 3D animation with Beauty and the Beast), everybody and their mother got in on the act and made "me too" movies, many of which were terrible and coasted solely on the

@liz.lemonade: No need to feel shame. I can't say I love everything he does, but he seems truly kind and is not afraid to admit his weaknesses. He's also got a remarkable gift for words, as is evident here.