
@cand86: What good does it do to go if you just get stuck with the kind of "doctor" quisquous up there had? There should be a website that reviews doctors based on things like fat acceptance and lifestyle acceptance. #nightclubforfatpeople

@NmgK: I'm sorry for your loss. I have close friends and family members who were born with heart defects. Luckily, they've all survived. I have a cousin who is still dealing with her heart problems, and may be needing a transplant (she's 33 years old). She'd definitely want to know about Children's Heartlink, since

@eirwen: It's normal for the scar to be fairly big, but this looks larger than what I've seen in the US. I know 5 women who underwent open-heart surgery as infants and all have zipper-like scars. They've gotten smaller with age. If I had to estimate length I'd say they're about 5 inches long. I think it makes a big

LOL on the "don't let fat people go to the doctor" line. I remember reading somewhere that fat adults, especially women, are less likely to go to the doctor than "normal" weight individuals because of all the fat shaming. I used to work with a woman who hadn't been to a doctor in decades because they always just told

As disappointed as I am about the first African-American "princess" spending 90% of the movie as a frog, I agree with Dodai that at least the human version will be at the park — and, presumably, on all the merchandise — for girls (and boys) to see. #theprincessandthefrog

As disappointed as I am about the first African-American "princess" spending 90% of the movie as a frog, I agree with Dodai that at least the human version will be at the park — and, presumably, on all the merchandise — for girls (and boys) to see. #theprincessandthefrog

@GreyEminence: Why is the Beast still a beast and not his gorgeous French human self? Poor Belle gets stuck with a monster for all eternity?

@LC86: The walking on broken glass thing is particularly great, since it made her extremely graceful and light on her feet, which the prince found hugely attractive. She always looked like she was dancing, standing on her tippy-toes. Talk about suffering for beauty just to attract a man! #disneybridal

At least in the Disney version Beauty taught the Beast how to read. Also, in the Andersen original, the Little Mermaid doesn't get saved, she dies at the end because the Prince doesn't love her, and turns into foam on the water. Had the prince loved her, she would have gotten a human soul. Sucker! #disneybridal

@femme-bot: Not just that, but what if the kid is gay? There's nothing inherently gay about being embarrassed about girls when you're an 11-year-old boy, but it doesn't seem unlikely that he was mortified because he's not straight. This would be the age when he would start to really know . . . #hooters

@Alwaystheangel: Congratulations! You're not going to be a mother!

@sarasasa: Some women do take pills continuously and don't bleed. You can do it yourself, just skip the 7 days. Some pharma company has gotten FDA approval for a continuous pill, and I'm pretty sure it's on the market now. I do 91 day cycles and have been for about 5 years. The pill isn't perfect at keeping your

@bowleserised: I have wavy/curly hair, too, so for the 3 or so years I wore a bob I blow-dried and flatironed my hair every morning. Luckily, my hair tends to hold a style, so I didn't have to worry too much about it curling back up over the course of the day. #vidalsassoon

A few years ago, when I still wore a graduated bob, I had a student stylist at the Aveda Institute who was a genius with the technical cuts. On our last appointment together she said "I've got something really great in mind" and gave me a perfect Sassoon bob. One of the instructors, the one who was a real stickler for

@Sarah Dove: I think there's a universal grain of truth to that. When I used to be terrible about getting a haircut, I'd go in once or twice a year and demand 4-6 inches be lopped off. The stylist would always balk and ask if someone had just dumped me. #vidalsassoon

@Jenloveshercurves: You are so right. The shorter my hair gets, the shorter the interval between haircuts. Used to be twice a year, then four times a year, then every 7 weeks. Now I'm down to every 5 weeks, contemplating a shift to every 4 weeks. My hair is about 2 inches long. #vidalsassoon