
@Mkp-hearts-nyc: That's what I'm saying. I read this and thought: "yeah, dangerous snowsports were a fuckload easier when I was 8, too. Now I'm 30 and weep when faced with a steep drop."

I've been using a data plan with my phone since before I had anything resembling a smartphone. WAP browsing was a great way to pass the time waiting for the train in the morning. It used to cost me $10 a month for 5mb of data with Cingular, when I switched to T-Mobile for a Sidekick the all-you-can-eat data for $20

@Laulau: The civil union legislation currently working its way through the system here in Illinois has a section explicitly stating that the civil unions would have no effect on religious groups. Meaning that they can choose whether or not to bless civil unions on their own. It seems ridiculous that it would have to

@beatrice2000: Yes! Thank you. I saw this and my Stephen Dorff detector went all bonkers.

@Sukie in the Graveyard: I'm such a nerd that I actually know the name of the award. It's called the Clio. Gah.

@rainbowsandkittens: Yeah, definitely not a great dane. Looks like a pretty typical mixed-breed. There are a lot of dogs that look just like this in my neighborhood, I think most of them are pit mixes. It's always nice to see celebrities with non-designer dogs.

@amyltall: There was a cat named cat of the year by the ASPCA last year for waking a family during a carbon monoxide leak.

@rsanni: Couldn't the judge have at least prevented him from making her recount the details of the rape all over again? Surely the charges and description of the crime were already well-established for the jury. The judge may not be able to prevent him from cross-examining the witness, and I think the defendant has

@eXXX: Well, I think for a dog Fort Living Room is pretty much perfect. Nothing happier than a dog that gets to sleep out the rest of its days in a home with a loving family.

@kay5: I did that, too, with our pooch that passed away a couple years ago. He was so sick for the last 18 months of his life, and had battled cancer 4 years before that, so I spent a lot of time taking photos and crying into his fur to make sure I got in a proper goodbye, just in case . . .

@morninggloria: I got it! In fact, I got it as a reference to Clueless, which is one of my all-time favorite movies. Oh, my crazy right-wing grandpa wants hispanics in the country. He loves what hard workers they are. Seriously. Before he moved into a retirement community he was always praising what a great job those hispanics did on all the lawns in his (white, affluent) neighborhood.

@Jemae: I know! This is like a perfect little Timmy, like a self-portrait as a child. Total made my ovaries do a little pirouette, because I loves me the weirdos.

My hair literally stood on end when I read it was shelf-stable for a year. That. Is. Not. Food.

@mbprice: Awwwww! I think maybe I'm the only person who got that.

@Jen82: Rats are pretty smart. If they didn't want to be on the boards they probably wouldn't be. The look kind of stoked, actually.

@LaFemme: I don't think most people want to acknowledge that sexuality has any part in a child's life, as we've all been taught that sex is dirty and bad and only for grownups. If you spend your life thinking that sex is shameful, surely you're going to have a hard time accepting that sexuality and innocence can exist

@HollingsworthDevereaux: My first thought was Black WW, too! Would rather not think it's Angelina. Besides, her boobs aren't big enough for it to be Angelina. I like that it appears to have been drawn by a man (boy?), but doesn't have the scary giant breasts usually found on modern female superheroes drawn by men.