
@KathrynwithaY loves Joan Collins: Actually, in her own, sad way, Harley Quinn wouldn't be a terrible character to trot out for a domestic abuse awareness campaign. Her relationship with the joker is kind of fucked, though she has been shown to stand up to him sometimes.

@Penny_Esq: Yeah, I didn't do slutty halloween until college. The first year I went as a dominatrix, the second year I was the happy little hooker. I forget what happened the third year, but the last year I dressed up as a naughty schoolgir/giant bunny. I wore the bunny costume over the schoolgirl outfit, for

@Mkp-hearts-nyc: The dog my family had when I was in high school and college was an excellent judge of male character. He would bark viciously at all the boys I brought home who were only into me for the possibility of sex, sometimes wouldn't let them get near me. The well-intentioned boys, however, he loved. I miss

I got a dog this summer, after many years of waiting for the timing to be right. Since boyfriend (officially "domestic partner") isn't really a dog person, the pooch is entirely in my name. We already have a contract arranging how our shared property (including our condo) gets split up if we dissolve the relationship,

@MegSpencer: Yeah, they can control the market, as it were, if they make high-quality pictures available. Why pay for a crappy pap shot when you can have intimate photos taken by brad himself?

@Pheromonal: When I was in high school Cosmo was pretty great. The pages had more text than pictures, not as many ads as the fashion magazines and never a celebrity on the cover, only models. Sometime around 1996 Helen Gurley-Brown quit and it became another Glamour, only raunchier. Stupid Cosmo. After that I let my

@Michelina: yeah, it's my understanding that the brain is so immature and malleable at birth that all of this stuff is more likely to be nurture than nature. Our brains are formed quite literally from our experiences, so if we're taught to attack a problem or react to a situation in a certain way, that physically

@JessicaLovejoy: Is voting for Kodos: Yeah, fetuses are all female until the Y chromosome tells the gonad cells to form testes, which then produce testosterone and the whole organism follows suit. It's how XY and XXY females can happen, either the Y chromosome is damaged and doesn't tell the fetus what to do or the

I pay all my bills on the 10th of the month, unless my paychecks come at a weird time (like if I get paid on the 11th), then I'll shift my bills around so I pay them as soon as I get the paycheck >1 week before they're due. The only bills I pay differently are my condo assessments, which are due on the first of the

@hellodarling!: I had it for about a year, too. Now I have the pixie, and I'm pissed she stole it from me. I got mine last January! I'm not copying Posh!

@truthnbeautybombs: Studies have shown that monkeys like porn, too. When given the option of looking at pictures of food, other monkeys, etc. and pictures of monkeys doing it, they always choose the sex. There's something in our genes that wants to look at sex.

@More than a Reference: I was the same way, I went through every color hair, every makeup possibility, every clothing option in middle school and high school, and I never got more than a few small complaints from moron students. At my (private, prep) high school the administrators actually had a betting pool on what

@CashMoneyHoney: I read an article about her once that said she can go down to 18" with a corset. I would imagine she's corseted here.

If only Jay Manuel could learn to do silver hair this well.

I have a friend who spent her childhood being passed around to different family members and whose sisters all started having kids around age 16. When she started high school she figured it wouldn't be a problem if she got pregnant, plus it would give her someone who would love her unconditionally. Her sisters and

@PoisonPixie: every time I see that anti-depressant ad with the dog holding a tennis ball all expectantly and sad that his owner is too down in the dumps to go play with him I start crying. Honestly, weeping. That poor doggie. He just wants to play!

@briardahl: Yep. It's the whole "mammy" thing. Also, the smart-mouthed friend. For white women it's the sweet chubby best friend (she doesn't get to be smart-mouthed if she's not black).

We're not vegetarians, but we don't eat a ton of meat, either. One of our go-to favorites is Rick Bayless's portobello tacos. You marinate the mushrooms in an onion-based marinade for several hours, then slice and grill or broil. You can put whatever you want on the taco, but we like Bayless's guacamole with roasted

@emmabovary: showed this to boyfriend and he says it's iggy pop.