
@EdnasEdibles: God, pennies? I was at least picturing quarters.

Back when I was in college and we watched Law and Order six times a day on A&E we made up lyrics to go with the theme song, they were mostly about our undying love for Jerry Orbach. Can't remember it anymore, though.

@R-Star: The guy who wrote the Lily Allen comment would probably bow and scrape to be in the presence of a live, actual, naked, human woman. Comments like that are just the rantings of a bitter misanthropic dillhole who can't get laid.

I know a woman who was a PanAm stewardess in the 60's, then she left to be a dime-a-dance girl in Thailand. She is one kick-ass bitch.

@WaltzingMatilda: Yeah, and she's my mom, too. Except my mom would have been holding a baby and wearing a macrame bikini top. Yes, I have a photo.

@krismry: 3 months?! It's been nearly 3 years since I quit and I still hack up something nasty in the morning and get over chest colds slower than I should. My doc said 10 years until your lungs get back to normal.

I used to smoke Eve Menthol 120's when I was in college. They sold them at the Stop 'n' Shop, and I've never seen them anywhere else before or since. The packaging made them look like maxi pads or douche or something. I fucking loved those cigarettes. Might not have quit if I could find them in Chicago . . .

@KathrynwithaY loves Joan Collins: No, dear God, it's a hat. I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it. I'm not sure how many more giant fucking flowers I can take on that woman.

@Busted Weave: are you sure that isn't Aggy right there in the middle? Not exactly. Some technologies to reduce complications can be used at home, where the woman would normally give birth. This provides a double benefit, since it reduces strain on the local hospitals while it saves lives.

@tscheese: Her bish face is the same as mine. Huh.

@NoYouAre: Me too! I get a little tired of people saying that we shouldn't like these billboards because they're corporate. I find it so refreshing to look at an ad and favorably compare myself with the model (hey, look! Her waistline looks like mine! Her thighs touch! I'm not a freak! Look! A woman in non-thong

@sayanything: I kind of hate myself for looking at these and thinking "he's not as scummy looking as I had though." I'm just happy to see the baby looks fat and healthy, as a baby should.

@tscheese: There are a few stores that sell these horrible man-panties. There's one near me called "His STUFF" (caps theirs) and another in a nearby shopping center, but I can't remember the name. This is what happens when you live in a gay mecca.

Damn, them's some nice gams she's got there.

@mepo: They recently updated her books to remove the accessories from the pad. My grandmother had told me about the belts, so I wasn't particularly confused, more relieved that I didn't need one.

@themofo: This is precisely the kind of thing a cat would love to nap in, as long as it's 100% not mandatory. If I had any money I would gladly fund your short film!

@stacyinbean: @hatepaperdoll: "he's not fat, he's tall!" I swear I had a friend who said that anytime someone commented on the hugeness of her cat.

@dosido: Yeah, I was just thinking she looks teeny-tiny here, maybe even more than usual.

I put in a few shortish things I'd written and it sad I wrote like a man, not very interesting. BUT! I put in an entire chapter from a novel my boyfriend wrote, and it said he writes like a girl, which I think is awesome.