
I think she was pretty clear what she meant about not being a feminist — she doesn't believe women should see themselves as anything but sex objects.

That poor guy who wants to buried and "turn to dust" with his dolls . . . doesn't he realize that silicone doesn't break down? They're like that robot from AI, they will never biodegrade.

@erika: Hey, I had the same experience. I starved myself through much of high school and college only to a) never get smaller than 115 pounds and b) never fit into anything smaller than a size 6. My friends (and their parents and siblings), however, were seriously concerned about my apparent anorexia. Insecure bitches

@BonnieLass: It doesn't all come out right after sex, and sometimes it'll be like 20 minutes or 5 hours later and you'll feel this "plop" in your underwear as the rest finally comes out.

@missusagi: I think he radiates that "former fat kid" insecurity/hypermasculinity really badly. He just smells like the kinds of formerly-fat douchebags I knew in college.

@ChicMafia: Eh, I don't agree. I don't wear makeup or try on multiple outfits, but I do blow dry my (short) hair, which takes about 10 minutes. 10 minute shower + 10 minute blow dry + 5 minutes of lotion/sunscreen + 5 minutes getting dressed = 30 minutes, which doesn't seem at all unreasonable. Thanks for calling me It's too bad she weighs about 35 pounds less than she did in 1995, though. I always liked that she wasn't teeny-tiny, but now she's a freaking skeleton.

Buh, I'm pretty sure she's more like 34, not 24.

@queen_elvis: People in loving, trusting relationships who realize that guys get hugely turned on by facials do it without being hookers or porn stars. If you know he loves and respects you, why not let him? It doesn't turn me on to be treated like a "cum rag," but I don't really think that's what he's doing. If you

@fashionistagrrrl: IUDs are not made out of metal, they are made out of flexible plastic and the chance of uterine perforation is extremely slim. There is on IUD that is coated in a copper coil, which is also flexible and is not the primary structure of the device. IUDs are, in fact, the safest form of birth control

@SarahHeartburn: Fertility awareness/rhythm methods work when done correctly, which means daily monitoring of basal body temperature using a special thermometer under the correct circumstances to determine the date of ovulation, it doesn't work if people just assume they've ovulated 7 days before their period. People

I've never relied on pulling out as a form of birth control, it was always condoms until I went on the pill, and if I go on antibiotics it's back to condoms until 7 days after my last antibiotic dose. I'm pretty neurotic about my BC, and have never had a scare. The only time the BF pulls out is if he wants to come on

@peachkellipop: I've seen men have the opposite problem on Wellbutrin. Interesting, perhaps the sexual side affects for men on some of these drugs are reversed for women.

His head has always been alarmingly large for his body, he's like a lollipop. Go back and watch AI, you'll see what I'm talking about. Or Gattaca. Oh, I could watch me some Gattaca right now, just for Jude Law.

@BlairDevereaux: She was probably just trying to avoid those foods herself. We never had cookies or junk food around, and my mom NEVER bought cool whip, but a lot of that had to do with her own diet restrictions, not to mention my dad's need for a low-fat diet (lots of heart disease in his genes). Wanting us to grow

@my vagina: I do, too. It's not so much that "fuck" is taboo and therefore sexy, it's more that such a direct question is really pretty hot. We spend so much time dancing around euphemisms (like we're doing here in this comment thread) that having someone directly state "I want to fuck you," or ask "do you want me to

@BiscuitDoughJones: I say knocking boots ironically. Also, when you brought up "creamed" I threw up in my mouth a little. Thanks!

The chances of her eating enough to sustain the fetus and carry it to term are so slim I have serious doubts this baby will ever see the light of day.

@RainbowBrite: I don't let them out on purpose in front of him, but when you live with someone you're bound to let a few slip by. I will be, say, 25 feet away from him and think i can slip one past, but he'll notice and make fun of me. I'm super-ultra-careful not to let any slip by, and will sometimes go take a little