
She looks like she hasn't had a drop of (bad) plastic surgery. No fishlips, no weird taught skin, no slanted eyes and hyper-taught lids. She looks like the foxiest natural 50-something lady ever. Wonder woman, indeed!

By a man standing at his front gate, waiting for guests to his 4-year-old daughter's birthday party: "Hey girl, wanna come to a party?"

I covet her shoes. And I'm not really a fancy shoe person.

Doesn't SJP already have a fragrance? When I went to the Lord and Taylor closing sale a few months ago they were getting rid of these giant wallboards with SJP's face in giant ultra size (seriously, the mole was the size of my fist) advertising some perfume. I was tempted to buy the ads and play a little prank on the

Seriously, though, what's with Pete Doherty's front butt? I need to know what the hell is going on there.

What's the neat surfboard/gondola thing she's piloting? It looks like fun. Also, BottledCynicism: I agree.

@HotpantsMalone: Yeah, those guys got taught manners, unlike the douchy entitled white guys.

I don't know why, but that baby boom extends to my workplace. In the space of about a month most of the fertile and married women in my department got pregnant (at last count there were 6 pregnancies, and there may be more I'm not aware of). They're all waddling around now, one of them delivered last week. It's going

The only time I don't offer up my seat to someone who is pregnant is when I honestly can't be sure if she's pregnant or just fat. I do give up my seat for moms with young kids, though, because there's no reason they should be made to stand. Whether they take the seat or give it to their child is up to them, but I

@LeanBean: Well, it's also just a horribly unflattering dress. Maybe she needs tummy control, or maybe she's got a tiny waist and a belly that sticks out a bit, and should be in something that shows some curves. It's impossible to tell, since she's essentially wearing a burlap sack. Anyway, I digress. I was originally

@exiled: Funny, now that you mention it she totally looks like my mother (albeit 30 years younger). Ha!

Does anyone know if panty liners will contain the tide of grease?

@Maulleigh: What does Erica Jong say about the dude who lies about everything for the first two months of the relationship and then dumps you 8 months later for not being who he "thought you were"?

She looks great, I do like the hair cut a lot, but I'm always partial to shorter 'dos. I agree, the bathing suit is great and I'd actually buy it, which says a lot (I do not have a skimpy-suit body), and the baby is adorable, to boot. Also, she doesn't look brutally skinny, which is refreshing.

Paris, Nicole, Amy Winehouse, they're all a bunch of anorexic cokeheads that no self-respecting woman should idolize or emulate. Ms. Winehouse gets points for originality and some semblance of talent, however.

@f-words: Excellent point. Since I'm used to most clothes looking terrible on me, I never trust pictures, so I mistrust pictures of women my size and skinny ladies equally.

So it's still taboo for a girl to like anal? Really?

I'm a little surprised to find myself saying this, but the boring model on the Lucky spread makes my eyes focus more on the clothes, so I remember what they look like later. The real girls on the Glamour spread, however, pull my eyes towards their faces and I can't remember any details about their suits (I looked at

I have a tear-streaked letter somewhere that basically says this, only over the course of 3 pages.

Most of the women I know in long term relationships use condoms for contraception, with or without the pill (for various reasons), but I also know at least one dumb bitch who doesn't use anything for contraception, which is how she wound up with HPV from her long-term boyfriend (who insisted he didn't have HPV, until