Negasonic Oldage Warhead

Millennial’s won’t remember this, but cleavage used to be a turn-off.


millenials won't remember, but SOAP is police speak for Solicitation Of A Prostitute.

Millenials won't remember this but cars used to run on coal


People only think economics is about numbers, and a lot of economists try to make it all numbery, adding in all sorts of equations that may or may not make sense. All of economics is about theories that may or may not work, depending on the circumstances. The theories may make sense in a vacuum (all other things being

My state is more important than New York. Therefore, we’ve already voted. I supported and continue to support Senator Sanders. But, should the asshole win, I’ll vote for her in November, because she’s way less nasty than any of the assclowns that the republics could ever put forward.

Economics is a soft science, at best. In reality, for all practical purposes, it's closer to religion. Economists love to believe their profession is a hard science, like chemistry. It is not, it's more like sociology.

None of those things apply. The marketplace is the only thing that matters. Allowing it to operate completely free and unfettered of any regulation (except for regulations that help the marketplace work better (for the wealthy) is the only thing that matters.

“No one forces those children to work in the mines. They work there to make a living and are given what the marketplace says they’re worth."

Johnny Speedball

Can we call that the Green Mountain?

Can we call it the Green Mountain?

I like the cut of your jib.

Evolution's a bitch, eh?

Thanks Jolie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be fair, LaRoche doesn't seem to be a homeschooler. 1. He actually seems to knock homeschooling as "raising your kid in a bubble" and 2. he talks about going to a parent teacher conference.

Presumably, LaRoche did not know this. Doesn’t seem like he’s much for the reading. Or researching. I’m not a LaRoche apologist, but I could certainly see plenty of people signing up for something like thinking it would do some good and having no idea what happens after the fact.

You wouldn’t. CTE’s a bitch, isn’t it Kluwe!??

He wanted his kid to get plenty of exposure to virile, young, naked men. Just to ensure his kid will grow up straight.