Negasonic Oldage Warhead

2016 is the fucking worst. Bowie. Lemmy. Frey. Kantner. White. Emerson. Haggard. Now Prince. Fuck you God.

And Petty grins ear to ear. They all loved it. Next best thing to playing guitar with Harrison himself, which Petty's done.

Totally not the case. Petty never looks pissed. They brought Prince into the act for a reason. None of the guys on stage at the start was on Harrison’s level as a guitarist. None were even close. Lynne, Winwood, and Petty are all singers first and foremost. If Petty had brought Mike Campbell with instead of Winwood,

Wow... “Fuck your family tree”. I love this. I’m going to use it.

Rickon is on Skagos, being cared for by the Lord of Skagos, and his daughter, Osha. When the time is right, Rickon will return and a Stark will be restored to Winterfell. And Skagos and Winterfell will be on good terms for once.

I kind of made it up on the fly on a deadspin post today about Pod. It’s pretty out there, but so are a lot of fan theories. It builds on a theory I found on the forum, which is that Pod Payne is a hidden Targaryen. This relies on the theory that Brienne is a descendent of Dunk, who’s squire was a hidden

They never consummated the marriage. Littlefinger just needs to find a friendly priest to annul the marriage.

Hey, it’s just a symbol of his cultural heritage. He’s just proud to be a german-American. Only you SJW's would ascribe racism to the swastika, a pround symbol of European Heritage.

Nah, I much prefer the theory that Jon Snow is the Nights King reborn. Pod Payne, as I've detailed elsewhere, is Azor A'hai. After he takes up Oathkeeper and plunges it through Brienne's chest, it's true nature will be revealed as it lights up in true flame. The Dragon Riders are Dany, Tyrion, and Euron or Victarion

I guess you’re not familiar with the theory that Pod will win the Iron Throne? He’s a secret Targaryen, you know. His journey with Brienne mirrors the journey of Dunk and Egg. He will be King. He is Azor Ahai returned. You will see. He will meet a Red Priest and become a convert to that faith. When Brienne falls, he

I guess you’re not familiar with the theory that Pod will win the Iron Throne? He’s a secret Targaryen, you know. His journey with Brienne mirrors the journey of Dunk and Egg. He will be King. He is Azor Ahai returned. You will see. He will meet a Red Priest and become a convert to that faith. When Brienne falls, he


Unless Jon Snow comes back to life, learns about Robb legitimizing him, raises an army, and re-declares independence for the North, Robb’s decision to legitimize him has no meaning. As long as Tommen Baratheon sits the Iron Throne, Jon Snow is nothing. It would require whoever is sitting the Iron Throne to legitimize

I would buy a sling subscription for THAT!

You know what would be awesome? Another Marvel/DC crossover where Deadpool gets a green lantern ring. That would be pretty fucking sweet.

Pure unadulterated rage monkey Guy Gardner? I could see Snyder easily taking him to a murderous extreme as well. Shooting solid light arrows through people, smashing the skulls in with solid light hammers, cutting people in two with solid light scissors, all kinds of murderous glee.

One can only wish:

OH YEAH?! Well, you''''re the nerd! Burn!

As a former grocery store bagger, I was much, much more qualified than you to determine optimal bagging strategy. Whether or not I applied optimal bagging strategy is an entirely different question. I made 5 cents more than minimum wage. Eggs go under the watermelon and bread goes under the big ass can of V8.