Negasonic Oldage Warhead

Over an inch long, about a half inch wide, stuck out a bit too maybe a quarter of an inch. Relatively speaking, it was huge.

No, I'll pass on sexing the Rock. He is not someone I would go gay for.

It never gets old. I laugh every time I see that picture.

Hey, you're not a Jezzie. You're one of those from Gawker. This isn't Gawkspin day, its Jezspin day.

This is good Bear.

More, this time from the 70's.

Those are not short basketball shorts. These are short basketball shorts.

This is fucking great. I don't know how Drew missed this show, but it is horrible in all the ways Mr. Rogers was great.

*mutters "mess up the seed type featured in one god damn nightmare fuel inducing story and you hear about it all fucking day."*

Hey, one of those guys used to be my best friend. Until he acted like a total fucking dickwad at my wedding because he couldn't handle the fact that I was getting married before him. Only in his mind was this a competition.

Rudy sucks. This is a fact of life. Rudy was a loser and that movie is fucking terrible. You know what else sucks? Hoosiers.

Yeah, it is dumb that the white guy will get the call black, while the black guy is stuck waiting by his phone hoping and praying for a call-back, even though he's most qualified for the job.

RE: “E for Effort" play Remember, E comes between 'D' and 'F'. So, E is the grade you get when you suck balls, but try. It would be an 'F' except you demonstrated effort.

I loved all your balls.

I think at least a few of them should stay. That Anna Merlen is at least as good at the sports writing as Barry. And she’s not the only one who wrote better stuff than what we normally see on Deadspin.

A single paper towel or a whole GD roll?

*crawls into corner*

First time I ate beets, I shat red (and every time since). Freaked me the FUCK out.

dear god