Is the child there everyday?
Chicago sport and social club.
but doesn't jalopnik get to drive awesome cars for free?
google 'foodspin brisket'
The controller is the guy who's going to write all the checks to Hulk Hogan.
Is Drew just trying to be Simmons? Deadcast just sucks.
Why did you hit a chick on your way to Dublin, though? Pretty asshole thing to do. I hope she prosecuted your ass.
sometimes. Depends on the post. He recently wrote a post saying that folgers is the best coffee. That was pure trolling. This post is just light trolling nonsense as he clearly does not know good oatmeal since he's using rolled oats. Which are for cookies.
This is, of course, the only correct answer to the question "How do you make oatmeal good?" Adequate Man should hire you to rewrite this post.
fuck you
egg? I was with you until you said "egg". In oatmeal. What kind of monster are you?
fuck yes.
Irish oatmeal (STEEL CUT) made the old fashioned way or GET THE FUCK OUT. Rolled oats are for COOKIES, Hamilton, you putz.
What if Sale was the second gunman?
Who takes their kid to work every day? Fuck LaRoche. I have 2 kids. I wouldn't take them to work every day. I don't mind if my wife brings them by, oh, say once or twice a year. More than that is way excessive. Baseball is (obviously) a bit different, but every day in the clubhouse? Fuck that. Make the little shit…
They're probably home schoolers, too. Isn't LaRoche a big old jesus freak?
I’m actually listening to these whiny voiced shits and they spend the first half of the podcast talking about some stupid bracket of weird names. More than half actually. They really haven't started talking about actual teams until more than 28 minutes in (out of 53 total minutes). What kind of haters guide is this?
oh my god, you're write. Drew is slowly morphing into Simmons. Fortunately for us, there can be only one. So, once the transformation is complete, they will have to fight to the death.
Plus they stole the name from the Illinois High School basketball tourney.