Negasonic Oldage Warhead


Ben Carson must really totally lack any tiny shred of self respect. Trump called him a child molester and Carson ENDORSED Trump?! Seriously, what the ever loving fuck?

Only a New Yorker would ask this question. This santa con thing is a New York thing. Saint Paddy's day is a national get drunk and act like an asshole day. One has hundreds, maybe even thousands of participants. The other has tens of millions. No comparison.

===Right. Given the proximity of Justice Scalia’s death to the upcoming election, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has loudly promised that the Senate will not consider or confirm ANY replacement under ANY circumstances until after Inauguration Day. Part of me wants President Obama to nominate a robe-clad robot

Or, Trump wins and says fuck it to the establishment republicans who fought him so hard and nominates... Obama. Or his daughter, but I'm pretty sure she's going Secretary of State.

just. poop. you paid for the right to poop. POOP DAMN YOU, POOP!!! Trump would call that guy a LOSER and he'd be RIGHT.

She called it 'bible study' but she actually meant 'orgy'.

Can my old friend, Dave Long Wang, be entered?

This is why people buy gazillion dollar courtside seats. Access to the players. For shit-talking. Although, I'd imagine Drake shit talking is pretty funny. Holiday probably got a 5 second violation because he couldn't stop laughing.

The moat keeps the fans from running away midway through the second quarter when skins are down 49-0.

Sounds about right


Has anyone told Russell that it's OK if he shaves his beard?

Over/under on the number of children/times fucking? Or do you think they'll outsource child production?

Yup, old 7-11 Siemian is just the right cure for what ails the Broncs. What. No, that's not it. Oh, right. He sucks:

1. Sign Peyton Manning. 2. Win the Super Bowl. 3. Profit! 4. Get crappy quarterback. 5. ?????? 6. Profit!

And they're already gone.

Someone needs to back up Uncle Rico.

he fears no beers

They did that. The NFL stuck another team in Cleveland.