Sweeping generalizations are defining character of America these days.
Sweeping generalizations are defining character of America these days.
Bradley’s 37 (or something) cars and bikes, each in its own glorious state of (dis)repair, are strewn across the land like Nick Cannon’s children.
Discontinuing the sale of something in a decade is not the same as “getting rid of”
Nobody is taking away your gas car, and the average car on the streets today is 14 years old. The vast majority of cars in California will be gasoline until AT LEAST 2050. If you don’t think we can crack EV infrastructure by then,…
This is one of those things where I wish we had a legal system that punished companies for lying, but I also have trouble feeling sympathy for anyone who thinks any version of a Durango is a collectable. At best, the engine will hold value, but the SUV carrying it around is pretty expendable.
Have you EVER taken any corporate DEI training? None of them ever say anything like what you are saying.
our office was very diverse long before the current fad of DEI and ESG
Your sentence does not make grammatical sense.
I have no idea how Clear is even a thing.
“premium leakage,” which is apparently a huge problem for the industry, costing over $10 billion annually
The problem isn’t the “low volume luxury EV” part of the equation.
“Hey, here’s the same old car we’ve been making for 12 years, but now it costs more.” Wow, count me in.
The working employees probably earned their bonuses, but executives seem to have not done a very good job. They probably all got their bonuses already though.
Higher taxes on higher HP and weight too
I don’t know how a dude who blatantly smokes weed on a video podcast can have any clearance. It’s literally one of the questions on a minimum background investigation, much less a Secret or Top Secret.
Instead of the 25 year ban, I think that there should be an import tax when wanting to import a car this depending on how old the car is. If you want to import a new car, it is a 10% tax, and then for every year the percent goes down .4% until when it reaches 25 years old, there is no tax. It is revenue generating for…
In America, driving mostly sucks and anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.
The Porsche 944 is better looking than the 928.
Towing more than 5,000 lbs should require a special license endorsement.
The US should require behind the wheel driving tests every 10 years. With a written test every 5.
We should have pretty strict size restrictions on how big civilian vehicles can be. Trucks these days can’t even fit to established parking spaces. They block other vehicles’ sight lines on the road, they are unable to see pedestrians or other obstacles and hazards over their massive hoods, and their overcompensating…