
Chevrolet S10

I say give the asteroid a chance, we haven’t even heard about its economic policy yet.

Actually, it’s a bit like driving a manual : sounds complicated when you try to explain it with words, easy to to once you learned it. Especially as it’s the car computer that does it for you.

For now, at least. There could be certain... efficiencies that could enable such tomfuckery.

I think we just need to go back to double-din units so that people can do what they want instead of being locked-in to whatever design the OEM came up with.

A $110,000 Wrangler?

Any progressive administration right now and sure, Id see huge advancements the next four years that the previous four were setting up.  NOW?  The entire movement will be set back decades, at least in this country.  Every other developed nation is going to fly past us.

You’re going to shit your pants when you learn what rental cars are.

Karl Popper and his Paradox of Tolerance comes to mind. Nazi fascists and their collaborators should be made uncomfortable and don’t deserve our tolerance as we risk losing our society to intolerance if we tolerate it. Bring back shame🔔

He made it gold, dude wants to crow over the plebs. He just didn’t count on there being so many of them.

Saying violence is never a good idea ignores that in a justified position, violence is the last resort. It should not be approached glibly, but to deny its power is saying the status quo cares for people and justice, and we know that isn’t the truth. But I digress.

I dunno man, at this point getting the official Tesla attention machine is a pretty tacit endorsement of Musk and his attitudes. He wrapped it in gold. He clearly wants the attention, but he thought it was going to be of the positive ilk. Turns out he was wrong.

Ahhhh yes, buying one of the ugliest and most obnoxious cars, wrapping it in the most obnoxious color possible, then putting a FAT QR code on the back doesn’t make him a huge attention seeker. He’s just upset about the type of attention he’s getting lol suck it up buttercup. Actions and decisions have consequences.

you dont have to be in front of a camera ever day or even every week to do a good job as a president.

Or even 2 years ago, when prices were going up and inflation was becoming a serious problem, when you could still go a week or 2 without hearing from the president. I know some will say it’s because he was really old and infirm, but I choose to believe it was because he was a normal fucking human being who didn’t need

They’ll just stop keeping track of crashes. They just shuttered the part of the Education Dept. which keeps track of test scores, so I think the idea is “if we stop telling people there’s a problem then they’ll think we’re doing a great job!”

Crazy to think that just 4 months ago, inflation was down, price of eggs were going down to normal, employment and wages were on a ascending curve and insane ideas like invading Canada, Greenland and Panama or building casinos in Las Gaza, foolish trade-wars were not occupying the news.

Ah back in the good ‘ol times when America was truly great!

Nah. I don’t mind a muddy or dusty look after a trip off-road (my 80 is at work in the parking lot right now covered from a weekend thing) but it doesn’t really look better. It just has a look.  I much prefer it clean, but I don’t mind it dirty either.  As far as winter dirty? No. No car looks better covered in road

I remember being this stupid in college, and embarrassed to admit it. But even in college I was more on the sidelines watching than actively destroying shit.