
But then you’d get JD Vance- the guy who thought Handmaiden’s Tale was a how-to manual.

My wife is also a woman. Glad to know there’s another guy out there like me. /s

I’ve said this before but I wish I could transport conservatives back to their vaunted golden age of unrestricted emissions and giant v-8s and see how long it takes before they choke on the fumes.

Agreed. I was going with a Metro-North pass and an Uber credit.

If she lives in NYC her car is going to be contact parked into oblivion. She should keep her money and her current shitbox. She should also seriously consider taking the train to Westchester. In theory it takes twice as long but traffic says otherwise.

I don’t think pay has ever been the driving issue keeping “good” people from becoming cops. With the generous overtime, cops can easily make 6 figures and retire with a full pension after 20 years.

they ran up to the conductor, forced him out of the train by gunpoint, and asked him if he knew why they pulled him over.

“Priuses suck.”

i’m from a trumpy low-education area and grew up hearing this

At least there wasn’t a handcuffed person locked in the police cruiser this time.

we investigated ourselves and found the train at fault

I still hear people complain about how cars used to be safer because they used more steel. A lot less often than I heard that in 90s, but it still leaves me dumbfounded every so often. They’re not even all boomers, either. 

13 bystanders were taken to the hospital as a result of the mass shooting response team.

Look at other countries, where they have a much better relationship between the cops and the civilians and a lot less incidents of cops shooting people randomly or the like. Now look at the training and testing requirements to be a police person in these countries.

Look up your locals’ pay. My entire local department is over $120k after OT. They’re paid plenty.

But the chutzpah is the officer will sue Amtrak for *his* PTSD and the union will push for him to get early retirement.

Police departments actually actively avoid people who are “too smart”. Many depts reject applicants with IQs deemed too high, believing they’ll become dissatisfied with the job and want to leave.

When it comes to (modern era) big coupe rear seat leg room, this thing is just 0.3" shy of tying the Bentley Brooklands. That’s gargantuan!

Officers responded by emptying their clips into the back of the departing train. 

Still up to 1000 pounds more than a four-door electric crossover (Mustang Mach E)?