
He wasn’t saying people who already owned an EV had range anxiety, he was saying that people who didn’t own an EV’s reason to NOT buy an EV was (perceived) range anxiety (of course along with many other, mostly fabricated reasons).

Have you really never seen the hundreds or even thousands of commenters on this very site who had that argument?

Glad they’re getting it fixed, but I really hope this doesn’t impede the continued rollout of bus lane parking enforcement in NYC. One inconsiderate ahole can materially slow down the commute for an entire bus full of passengers, if the bus has to merge out of the bus lane and then back in again. We should let people

I’d actually be impressed if I knew how many routes this program was rolled out on (there are 10+ linked articles on this page and I am not going to hunt through each one to find out).

Standard time can get bent. I want my sun in the afternoon evening, and extra hour of light in the morning during the winter serves no purpose.

This. I want more daylight when I’m done working for the day, not before.

Good idea, but we should actually make Daylight Standard Time the actual Standard time.

If it’s global warming, that’s not possible because humans can’t impact the weather.

It’s crazy to think that Nissan could be the Tesla of EVs today if they had simply made an EV that didn’t look like it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. 

Those large gray intakes in the front look very out of place. And, the split headlamps are shit.

So Jaguar saw what Cadillac did with their large super expensive sedan and decided they would also do a sloping long roof?

I do NOT like this trend BMW started with making headlamps chunky pods that sit in a different area than the running lamps/DRLs/LEDs... whatever you want to call them. Audi has been masterful integrating all these into handsome single clusters (probably the best look of which was the 2013/14 A8/S8). These look stupid

You fucking weasel.

I’m sorry that you’re getting a taste of what normal people have been tolerating for a while now from the right. Some of us are sick of always being expected to be the adult in the room while conservatives get to hurl shit everywhere and cry about tolerance.

Fuck you. Tolerance is for the tolerant.

You brain dead savages would be hilarious if the consequences of your ignorance weren’t so dire.

Read a book you fucking incel.

LOL, California has the 5th largest economy in the world. Not the US, the world. They send more money to the government than they receive.

California and the other Blue States pay for the federal government. It’s our money.

Cry more