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While I get the point you’re trying to make, he does actually talk about it. The point he typically tries to make is cities would be better off made around humans, than their cars. Cars face similar issues in inclement weather, service shutdowns affect drivers the same, and the benefits of being inside a car are

By far the easiest and lowest hanging fruits, when it comes to EV tires, is to tell the car makers to stop putting 20" donk wheels on their cars and go back to 17" and 18" wheels. You typically lose 20 mile in range when you ‘upgrade’ to the larger wheels and tires.

Only a good guy who's distracted can stop a bad guy who’s distracted!!!

I agree, it needs a V8 with gated manual shifter, just like other SUVs in the class.

Ford: “We only sell super expensive EV’s, directed at a market segments (boomers and rednecks) who absolutely hate EV’s...and we’re not getting any sales? It must be the fault of EV’s!”

The Waymo taxis have mechanical LIDAR scanners on the roof and at each corner, and they operate in carefully limited environments. No way Musk’s ego would permit that much caution, expense or maintenance.

“Trump sure is lucky his followers don’t have even basic understanding”

What a poor excuse: We want to support a fascist, but don’t want any blowback for doing so.

Bad take.

The EV Hummer, proper douche bro machine. 

The only way this is a NP is if a hella enthusiast who built their whole personality around the aesthetic of this truck needed something to demonstrate to the world that they peaked in HS. No Dice.

I do not like the fender design. It’s just awkward. 

Hyundai colours... yawn

VW reminds me of what has happened where I work.

Oh yea I see large RVs camping in the left lane all the time and It makes me so upset. Learn the rules of the road, stop trying to go 80mph in a mobile house, stay in the right lanes! Forget speeders, cops need to start ticketing people for being goofy.

the problem is that I don’t think you need a CDL to operate even a large one.”

Russians performing some routine sabo-I mean....maintenance

Want to reduce that number? It’s simple — get rid of the NHSTA and/or just stop reporting numbers. That’s how we kept the Covid death toll so low here in FL!

It’s funny how our expectations change. In this era of Hellcat motors putting out 700+hp, getting only 400hp from an 8L V10 seems almost quaint.