Anthony Thornton

You can’t drive there, mate.

Going aftermarket on the fuel injection controllers is sometimes a great solution on cars this age - but issues with said system make you wonder if you’ll need to rip everything out and start over again. So yeah, ND on the intermittent issues (and the cat delete).

It’s... A lot. It’s one of those things that makes you wonder, “how many American flags equal one Confederate flag?”

In before Cybertruck! I personally love the SSR, but I’m fully aware my opinion on this matter is objectively incorrect.

Lots of miles left in this one -- absolutely NP. It looks to be in very good shape, to boot. 

At $2500 just about any car that runs is a NP.

I’ve always had an irrational attraction to the 505 diesel. A good paint job and euro headlights would be the cat’s pajamas.  NP.

Holy Crack Pipe, Batman! The missing trim and the absence of a strut tower brace are all I needed to see. Someone did this THEN realized it was a bad idea and is trying to recoup their outlay. Pandemic project, maybe? This is ND at half the price.

Let’s get the pitchforks!

Rendered up here:

WHO THE HELL VOTED NP? Day drinking? High as a kite before 9am? WT-actual-F is WRONG with you? Can you see all the missing trim and the way it’s been otherwise tended?

It would be funny if an E30 of all things produced the first-ever 100% ND vote. At any rate, we may set a record here.

Agree. The cracked dash, torn seat, and uninstalled trim are just the tip of the iceberg. The seller is trying to unwind his poor choices with this money pit.

Annoying that the seller isn’t presenting the car in its best/most accurate form. Put the wheels on that the buyer will get. If you have the missing trim, install it. If you have new seat inserts, INSTALL them. At this price, it should be absolutely mint. I love E30's, but some sellers are just nuts with their asking

I wish I spoke multiple other languages so that I could say “No!” in many more ways.

“perfect for fair weather drives with the top down!”

I don’t care - totally irrational NP. Shut up!

These are solid bikes. Belive the early V7 Classics experienced some issues with bubbling of the plastic fuel tanks which can lead to fuel leaks at the pump (later models went to metal and should be swappable) and the early smallblock (750s, bigblock 850, 1100, 1200) had dual throttle bodies that needed synching

Well that’s why you have to be dressed fashionably at all times darhling...!