Anthony Thornton

I am calling this a very tentative NP. The potential title issue seems to have been almost 30 years ago. I would think that if there was a serious problem, it would have reared its head by now. Or maybe it did, and that’s why he’s trying to unload it.

I had an ‘89 Honda Pacific Coast. It was described as the Honda Accord of motorcycles. It was a very apt description. I enjoyed it, but the other saying about it was also true: it is impossible to be a badass on a PC800.

I may have thrown up in my mouth a little upon seeing those door pulls. But even before seeing that I was all in on ND. Something just looks off with the whole car.

Sooooo shiiiiiiiny...

If it was 1996, and I was having a Dodge Viper delivered, I would have exploded with joy.

Amber, you are the devil!! THE DEVIL!!!

1996 was the coldest winter Iowa had in 95 years. I had recently moved there, and my previous winter/snow/ice driving experience was almost zero. I grew up in west Texas, where those signs that read “Caution! Bridges Ice Before Roadway” don’t really mean anything.

I dunno if the GT package adds much to the value, but it’s low miles for its age, it looks decent in the pictures, and it’s pretty well equipped.

The high today was 38. It was 31 when I went to work this morning.

I voted ND only because it is so bland, when Rob wrote it’s color is Ash Blue Mica, I had to scroll back up to look. My brain had autofilled that it was the standard metallic greige they usually are.

When I took my MSF course the 2nd time (lost my M endorsement to one state that didn’t have reciprocity for them), there was an older woman in the class who was a first time rider who decided to try something she had always wanted to. Good for her!

I mean... it’s a running, driving, low mileage car that appears to be in pretty good condition. $3500 seems like a no brainer.

I dunno about fast, but you can go pretty quick for free. Just walk into anything shop and stick your hand into a running lathe. You'll be accelerated right quick!

This is TOUGH. Ultimately I voted ND. It might be within negotiating distance IF it was a manual. The auto tipped it to ND.

No tailgate, crappy vinyl seat, and they want TWELVE GRAND?!?

How about a Jeep Renegade? Making it BOF could turn it into the American version of the Jimny. Small, fairly light, nimble off road, and most importantly, cheap! Everything a Wrangler used to be.

It's pretty clean, and the miles aren't bad for the age, but as far as I'm concerned, a modern VW without a warranty is pretty much always a ND.

I think something big, elegant, old, and slightly sinister would really benefit from an EV conversion.

Six grand for a clean looking, low miles, running and driving convertible? Nice price all day! It’s in Iowa, though, so be sure to look underneath. If that passes inspection, hand over the cash, drop the top, and crank the tunes!!

If anything, they're gonna think it's an old Nissan Stanza.