Anthony Thornton

Anyone here know how to change reality?”

I voted ND. I think he’s asking AAALLLL the money for it, and it’s maybe within negotiating distance for a "special edition" that seems like nothing more than stripes and embroidery.

Or just good old fashioned target fixation. It's like when a kid learning to drive in an empty parking lot hits the only light pole.

Let the horsepower wars and alternative fuels combine!!

I went with NP. You couldn't build it for $20k, but the market for it is also very limited. Would I drive it? In a heartbeat! Would I pay $20k for it? If I had it laying around, maybe.

Fake vents. They are universally stu-u-u-u-pid since they're non-functional.

AUD-e was right there...


It will get you to your campsite all right.

I had a ‘69 Lincoln Continental that got 8-9mpg pretty consistently. And it only drank super unleaded.

In high school, my ride was a ‘60 Chevy El Camino that my Dad and I built. It had a Rochester Q-Jet carb on it that was giving me trouble, so I bought a Carter AFB to replace it.

Honestly, it’s not that far off an NP. Five, maybe - MAYBE - six grand, pending inspection. But $8k is too much of a reach. For eight grand, it better be dang near perfect.

NP. It's not what I want, but WOW, I don't think there are enough eeeeeee's in cleeeeeeeaaaaannnnn for that price.

This is a cautious NP. A lot has been done to this, and it looks pretty good.

I’ve always liked Acura’s logo. It’s a stylized pair of dividers, which are used in drafting for precise measurements. Acura’s first slogan was “Precision crafted performance by Acura”.

Okay, everybody say it with me now:

Bring back the BRAT!!! And it better have a stick, t-tops, and jump seats in the bed!!!

A greige SUV. It works, it’s systems probably work, and the miles aren’t too high.

I dodged two deer and a possum on my way to work yesterday.

My first fun car was also my first car.