Anthony Thornton

Oof. That Mazda is kinda bad. Maybe it's for an intercooler?

Whamburger marketing team needs to buy this thing TODAY.


I had an opportunity to trade for a Honda CX500 Turbo many years ago. Unfortunately, the guy got cold feet about my ‘69 Lincoln Continental and backed out.

What a crappy week.

Hey, how are your flying lessons going? I haven’t seen an update for a while!

I think you hit the NP/ND dilemma for this one right on the head. A star for you.

That's a nice enough price to be a little suspicious, y'know? 

Just... no.

Hry, Mercedes, on behalf of those kids who just skated through life and never really had a bad time, I’d just like to apologize for being generally unsensitive and not appreciating the kids around me who had REAL issues.

WOO-HOO!!! $3.50/ gallon here in Tulsa, OK!

I’ve never driven in NYC, but the thing I noticed while visiting was honking your horn means something different there.

Aside from the usual maintenance stuff, the first work I remember doing on a car was some pretty janky rust repair on the 1971 Triumph GT6+ that my dad bought my older sister to drive. Eventually, when I got my license, we were supposed to share it, so I got to pick the color when we painted it. It went from orange to

Pontiac G6 GT. Not the most thrilling car to drive, but the folding hardtop makes for a great 4 seasons ride with a decent back seat.

35 years ago, the state of Texas gave me my license, and the test was a breeze.

I was shocked to learn you can still get windshields for those, and they're a surprisingly reasonable $1480 installed!

Not no way, not no how.

I think the only hope for driving it from Europe to Michigan would require two very tall ramps and a very long running start...

I rode with a guy who couldn’t maintain a set speed, but refused to use cruise control. He’d speed up to about 3mph over the limit, then slow down to 3 under. It was constant slow motion whiplash.

When I was in high school, my dad bought a 76 T-bird for my mom to drive. Two-tone yellow and gold with a cream leather interior. It was pimp-tastic. With a big block under that miles long hood and ice cold AC, it was a primo ride for my senior prom.