Anthony Thornton


Not all heroes wear capes.

Conline is on the right track here. When learning, it’s WAAAAY easier to learn in something that isn’t high revving. Something with some torque so you can practically let the clutch out without even touching the gas. Plus, truck transmissions and clutches tend to be a lot tougher.

Are you SURE this wasn't an episode of Reno 911?

Everyone - EVERYONE - starts somewhere.

100% NP.

Fare fake fakety fake.

Benter taste is debatable.

Samesies. Nice Price for somebody, but that somebody ain't me.

I love me a good two tone paint job where the bottom is a nice root beer metallic, and the top is a lovely cream like the head on an IBC in a frosty mug. Perfection in brown.

I voted ND just for that ridiculous "spoiler". Just... no.

I got a convertible Mustang from a "manager upgrade" offer when the compact I reserved wasn't available. Mine was yellow with a white top, and despite many demands that I do it, I did not drop the top when I was in my grandmother's funeral procession.

Interesting thought about electric powered trailers. You could even get one with a generator mounted and charge your truck and trailer on site, or even on the move!

What, no dancing David Tracy video? I am disappoint...

Think the owner owes Hotblack Desiato for a bar bill?

I’m going to be Captain Obvious for a minute: that brake kit was there for a reason. The previous owner knew about the brake issue, but never fixed it. Maybe take a quick inventory of any other parts in boxes. They will probably give you a clue about other systems on the brink of failure.

Okay, how does this sound:

There absolutely MUST be some sort of shitbox challenge between this two.

To quote the late, great, Princess Leia, "You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought."

I’m the weirdo. I wanted one of these when they were new, and for some reason, I still want one.