
Really? You guys keep track of that? I feel like you’re making despair into a competitive sport due to lack of other options.

Fort Collins reminds me a lot of what happened to Seattle during the tech boom. It’s a huge drag to see it happen, and I’m sorry about it but I don’t see any way it’s going to stop. The whole Front Range, actually, seems like it’s on fire. (It’s probably a good place to buy a house if you can swing it, though, folks

Love Colorado. Just love it.

Really? (of course I can’t remember a number of the details already, even though I think I watched it the day we were chatting about it or soon after)-if that’s the case, it’s certainly a problem for trying to figure that part out. I just can’t help thinking about Frances every time I contemplate the whole thing, you

That’s the only thing I’m not sure about. He’d been dead for a long time when he was found, I could see that the gun might have been facing the other way, causing the casing to fall where it was found, and then with the entrance and exit of rigor his hands could have flexed and relaxed such that the gun might have

Yes! Great band.

This gets funnier the more I think about it. +1 random, circular conversation about bats.

I am so sorry to hear it. I lived there last year, and the locals were fighting it hard, and I thought they had defeated it, but I guess stuff like that never goes away. It’s going to make traffic there a thousand times worse than it already is, which is pretty bad.

That is cool. Maybe they will come up with something for the actual show part that will make it better than many of us expect.

Yeah, they need to do it soon, the boys are getting a little elderly. That would be a great show, I’d love that.

Tom Petty did already do it. I thought he was the best SB half time show I’ve seen, though most folks here seem to think Prince takes that cake.


Yes! I use it to dislodge anything else that gets stuck in there, since I don’t mind listening to this one over and over and......

Now playing

OK, so, yesterday I had my Ohio set all ready to go, and was lurking around waiting for DUAN eagerly. Eventually I stopped lurking around and took the dog for a walk. The second I stopped lurking around, DUAN showed up. Today, I was lurking around waiting for a phone call to be returned. The second I stopped lurking


I hope this gets out of the greys. It deserves to be seen .

My understanding is that they are doing this in California too because of the drought. But, I don’t understand how it works with dogs, though. I mean, you pick up the poop but you still have bits that need to be hosed off, or otherwise you have an eventually beige lawn that smells horrible, attracts flies, and is

That is really saying something, too.

Mike. You are right.

I was with you until you said playing would up his trade value. I have doubts about that. As long as they don’t play him, Manziel fanatics (of whom there are apparently plenty) can pretend that he might be good. Once he plays consistently, that fantasy bites the dust.