
Wrong. It gets funnier every week. I want it to be thesort of thing that confused football historians in 100 years.

This post is a serious deep threat. Might be the post of the week, and it’s only fucking Monday.

He filled every empty beer in the stadium using one red solo cup.

I’m looking forward to this matchup in the second or third round of the playoffs.

Just for the record, the Bills lead the league in total flags and penalty yardage. In an average game, they get flagged over 11 times and spot their opponent the equivalent of a 85-yard drive.

You know? For once, I’m gonna just give it to ‘em. I believe it already; please, no video.

Biased but...

I take umbra...fuck it, you’re absolutely right.

Deadspin video or it didn’t happen.

I believe that’s what people in the medical business call a cry for help.
Turn off the TV.
Dial 911.

Honestly I think the worst part about Batman Begins are the flash backs that serve as exposition.

Bruce Wayne, who is maybe 12 or 13, looks at Wayne Tower, and asks if his dad works in that building. Meaning at this age Bruce has no idea what a doctor does.

My hunch (and this is just a hunch) is that all the Deadspinners who watched it and would write about it were wearing lampshades until the wee hours and need to sleep it off.

You are not in the minority!

The How It’s Made marathon on the Science Channel deserves a mention. If only because there’s more action in six episodes of that than there is in an NFL game.

Might I point out that beIN Sports Connect is also showing the start of the knock-out round of the Women’s Team Handball World Championship?

Yeah. Okay. You’ve got a point there. Jack Black, though? He’s the only one I don’t feel reached SOP level. Love that guy.

Blackhawks v Canucks.

I have grave reservations about that movie. I may be in the minority but I absolutely fucking hate Adam Sandler.