
I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with Manziel. He’s better than he was, but he’s still not that good, he’s an ass and pretty stupid into the bargain. He has stupid friends and can’t focus on what’s supposedly important to him for longer than a few weeks at a time. He’s not their QB. They already know

I’m not a Browns fan and I would buy one in a heartbeat.

And the way he lifts his chin with tears in his eyes and starts bravely walking away. Hollywood has nothing on it.

This made me laugh way too much.

Will do! Thanks!

No idea, I’m afraid. If anyone would know, I would think it would be luv4, I have yet to see him stumped on any music question.

Now playing

For my taste, Mali has some of the most amazing music around. Here’s Ali Farka Toure with “Goydiotodam”.

Bullying and shaming have no place in any dialogue. You can disagree with me and I have no issue with that. I do have an issue with you bullying me by claiming that my point of view, and the point of view of the person I was standing up for, are no more valid or complex or wise than an insipid greeting card. If you

Good to know. Netflix keeps pushing it at me, and I keep pushing it away, but maybe I’ll try it instead.

I love finding random folks doing wonderful things. This is lovely.

I know. I am fully, FULLY in favor of the suggested remedy of having chainsaws for both sides every touchdown. I would ditch US football in a heartbeat and switch to north of the boarder if they had that.

Don’t you just see a bunch of ancient frosted monkeys sitting in a hot tub looking sad whenever you hear it? I do.


Wow. Stunningly good. +1.

Now playing

Actually, I was just off writing a rude letter to Carly Fiorina, having made the mistake of reading what she said about the Colorado shootings. I know John isn’t too hugely popular here at DS, and he certainly had a big, fat, dark side. Sometimes, however, a red hot mean song is just what the doctor ordered.

There are no chainsaws, Carrie.

+1. I fully wish someone would send this to an actual newspaper.

You stop being mean too. marilove is clearly dealing with something, and we don’t know what. So, obvs it’s wrong to say what they did, but it’s not ok to attack viciously because of it. Jeez. This is why I hardly ever come here.

Hey. Cut that out. Everlong81 doesn’t deserve to be shamed and called names just because they said something hopeful. You are dismissing feelings, Everlong81 is trying to present comfort and hope. Don’t be so mean.

That’s fantastic!