
Yes, Houston pulled Hoyer last week (or maybe the week before, I can’t remember). I don’t remember if it required stopping the game, either, but the system worked in that case.

My guess is it depends on the culture of the individual team. Houston clearly has a culture that has empowered it’s medical staff, because they got Hoyer out and assessed for concussion when I think it wasn’t too obvious to most folks that there was a problem. The Rams, on the other hand, clearly have a culture of

If he wanted to do that, I would think he’d be great at it. It seems like he’d like more of a challenge, though.

excuse me. Off their efforts?

I am hoping he made some cash of their efforts?

you feel that way because you’re a midwesterner, you know.

Now playing

Also, have you ever seen this? I just found out about it today. Stick with the stills till you get to the film, it’s only a couple of minutes in total. It’s starlings. A LOT of starlings. Or maybe it’s something else just pretending to be starlings?

Now playing

So, yesterday I went to Madison. It’s the coolest place around these parts that I’m aware of, and I felt like I was dying, so I went up there for a few hours. I checked the weather report carefully on Thursday, and there were no intimations of any weather issues till Saturday. I and my small, elderly car almost got

I always thought it was a skin disorder caused by excessive exposure to cold. We haven’t done that either.

I would have provided another 7tar, but that would have made 8, which would 7uck.

Why not. Also, all the road work on ALL the freeways will be complete. Forever.

No. Bears are going to hang on to Gase, and in a couple of years when Fox is ready to retire Gase is going to move into the head coaching job in Chicago, the year after the Bears win the Superbowl. Who’s with me?

I like that idea.

mmm. I think Manning is done, done, done. Why do you think Brock will not play well? I get the feeling no one but Bronco nutburgers has much hope for him (Rodgers sat behind Favre!!! Brock sat behind Payton!!!! Therefor Brock=Rodgers!!!!!), but I’m not up on why.

I’m not up on footy at all. Are they rioting about something, or just rioting?

creepily haunting as hell.

excellent. +1 large thunderbolt.

I could see Kaep in Denver. I’d hate to see him going to another dysfunctional mess of a team, because it would probably be the final nail in the coffin of ruining him. Though, when you look at how Cutler has been playing now that he finally has a decent coaching staff, I guess never say never is the real lesson.

That’s because he’s a God, and a God does not underdress. Or leave off the feathers.

Texas. What could be better?