Worse than China? Really?
Worse than China? Really?
You know, for a brief while I was heartened by the midterms. I’m trying to hold on to that. Damn it.
Lord. I hope he grows out of that. With you as his mom, I imagine he will.
yeah. I heard someone on a podcast recently saying that the amount of conflict of intrest that was treated as business as usual this election cycle was really chilling. I agree. I guess in the long run I’ll try to focus on the fact that Gillum and Abrams did so well, but tonight my heart is broken.
Yes, you are quite right, of course. It’s always really annoyed me though.
I dealt with a brief bout of situational depression upon discovering it was not an actual woman. Something to look forward to, I guess.
OMG, there was some book a while back, it might have been the Wolff one, that claimed that his hair is arranged to cover the scars on his head where the skin was, like, hoisted up and then trimmed and sewn back together to tighten up the look of his face. If I remember nothing else about him, I will NEVER be able to…
Yes, I agree. The Supreme Court in particular should not be lifetime with people living so long now.
Assholery is not restricted to one age group or time in history. Get over trying to put people in boxes and saying “it’s all THEIR fault” about one particular box, and realize that there are good folks of all ages, all colors, all religions, and all nationalities. There are assholes from every place and time too.…
Also, I am so sorry Mr. Tusks. I am sure I was meaning to respond to someone else and accidently responded to you instead. So sorry, I did not mean to yell at you.
Thank you so much for posting this. Anything that tells me where I can actually help, as opposed to just fretting, is deeply appreciated. xo
I tend to think that God abdicated omnipotence where this earth is concerned when he gave people free will. As far as I understand it that’s the general import of the documentation.
Yes, I keep hoping they’ll go for that route. I was a little confused about the issue with the young man and his nephew. Are they saying that Mexico would separate them as well and that’s why they’re continuing on towards the US? That seemed like what was being said but it was confusing and I hope I’m wrong.
Fuck yes I’d accept that. I’m not in this for revenge, I’m in it to help mitigate suffering.
Yeah, that last one especially. AND, Trump Moscow. I sometimes really believe that this whole Russia thing is nothing more than a play to finally construct Trump Moscow.
Oh FFS. Assholes are not restricted to any generation or any time in history.
Fuck this. How do you know why he did it?
Pretty sure Sean loathes the NFL more than most of us, so anything that upsets them is not going to get him in a wad unless it costs the team.
No, some of us treat them like they are because some of us only see old, and not people. You should listen to “Hello In There” by John Prine.
luv swamp music